Evil must be opposed!
Not by me though. I’m checking right out.
Evil must be opposed!
Not by me though. I’m checking right out.
The film is great as its own thing, but the book is excellent and Wil Wheaton’s narration is perfection.
I don’t know about the US, but in the UK, rebuilding would be covered by the homeowner’s buildings insurance.
Although insurance companies would probably try to claim it as an Act Of God to get out of it. Don’t know how that would go legally…
No, just a shitty kettle.
They probably decided they didn’t want to waste money paying to house an immigrant rapist and just deported him instead.
Ah, so they’ll call it Trump legislation and take credit for it, while simultaneously blaming Biden and Obama for the cost. Got it.
“You’re in the Union City recycling plant…”
I’m still waiting to see ‘normal’ people taking about it or say it’s good. Is it as good as Andor?
Funny, I’d have said we’re closer to the new Star Wars cinematic trilogy than the EU.
You think you’ve won, then a few years later, oh look, fascism is back and it’s killing people in job lots again.
I think the pacing was a bit off - it mostly felt rushed. Could have done with being an extra 15-30 minutes, really.
Not sure about The War Chief
They played music called The Master Vainglorious from the new Season 3, which gave the impression that he might have been The Master. Even after he’s been shot and his body removed, you could hear the beginning of the regeneration sound from off-screen.
Most of the effects were good. The colour did highlight just how cheap some of the sets were, such as the children’s magnets used as “control circuits” for the SIDRATs 🤣
I liked both the War Lord and the Doctor’s trials. I actually liked the regeneration sequence, although the second bit with Pertwee before he falls out of the TARDIS unconscious seemed unnecessary and a bit uncanny valley, even if the 1970/1980 gag was pretty good.
Overall, yes, I’d call that a success.
Shakespeare invented literature, so clearly there’s no value in teaching anything from before him…
I’m a Brit and I’m fairly sure that’s not the case over here, but sadly that doesn’t surprise me at all about the American healthcare system…
I’m fine having my body donated to a science institution to do Learning with. But if it’s going to be sold on, I want in on that! Or at least, my family should be fairly compensated. I’m donating to scientific advancement, not so someone else can make a profit!
What better way to say “we respect our trans friends” than letting the government shut down instead of signing an anti-trans bill?
(Well obviously it would be to get some pro-trans legislation in there, but at least try and be on the right side of history)
DOCTOR: Oh. My, God! Oh, it’s bigger!
RIVER: Well, yes.
DOCTOR: On the inside…
RIVER: We need to concentrate.
DOCTOR: Than it is…
RIVER: I know where you’re going with this, but I need you to calm down.
DOCTOR: On the outside!
RIVER: You’ve certainly grasped the essentials.
DOCTOR: My entire understanding of physical space has been transformed! Three-dimensional Euclidean geometry has been torn up, thrown in the air and snogged to death! My grasp of the universal constants of physical reality has been changed forever!
DOCTOR: Sorry. I’ve always wanted to see that done properly.
We follow Delia. Turkey in the oven before 10 and we were eating by half two.
But at least he’d have tried… history remembers that too.
So to check - when Sloan violates the Federation’s principles so that other people don’t have to get their hands dirty, that’s bad, but when Sisko does it, that’s ok?