• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • Oh jesus, here’s hoping it’s at least an MMO then, so it won’t be so barren. I almost posted my gripes list after the game dropped to the subreddit, but after a quick scroll I realized there was a non-zero chance I’d get stalkers if I did. The git gud mentality is so annoying and telling, like none of the games are especially hard! They’re frustrating (mostly DS2) and some of the mechanics are outdated and have been dropped from more modern games for good reason (looking at you, soul loss), but their difficulty is so overrated.

    Hard agree on the Legacy dungeons, I actually had fun in those before having to trudge through the repeated content and reused bosses (there are only like six uniques, right???) ad nauseam.

  • unrelated rant

    I couldn’t get into Elden ring and it kinda makes me sad. Like the open world feels so empty in most places and the enemies are copy paste. And I kept a journal to remember quests/characters, but I’m still missing stuff. How isn’t there a in-game journal?? Why am I limited in map markers. I had this huge list of removed and gripes before I quit and just googled all the lore questions I had.

    reject modernity, return to DS1 tail cuts

  • Because they’ll still largely be liberals that think the system can be reformed, material conditions haven’t deteriorated enough for anything else. They’re also far less white and way more LGBT, so they won’t be Republicans unless a sea change happens in that party. If you’re not a Republican in the US, you’re a Democrat, at least socially.

    Joe biden is millennial and gen x nostalgia, they just need their own Obama and they’ll go back to brunch, just like the millenials and gen xers that stood against Bush went back to brunch while Obama continued the wars and drone struck US citizens.

    E: also the American firewall and tik tok ban will prevent the narrative from spinning out of control again as it did with Palestine

  • Nah. Who would fight it? Aging white Republicans vs. multiethnic pacifist zoomer and gen alpha Democrats? The Dems are more than happy to roll over for whatever the Republicans want and their base will only hold signs and engage in disorganized civil disobedience. I can see full-on transgender genocide, as our existence can be legislated away with relative ease, but Democrats won’t care any more than they cared about the gay genocide in the 80s, and the incarceration of those that illegally seek meds will be bipartisan