• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I don’t really understand what you mean, and I am sorry if I misunderstand you.

    Privacy is important because we have a right to not have everything broadcast, tracked, and sold. Privacy is both good for our personal health and safety, especially because of how useful collected info is for even amateur threat actors. Society is toxic, but calling out people who specifically want to legally control how others (harmlessly) live their lives is not itself toxic.

    His opinion is that gay people shouldn’t be allowed to marry. I think this is rather invasive. My point is that someone who is willing to donate thousands to homophobic lobbyists doesn’t seem to care about gay people’s rights to Privacy or freedom, and therefore I wouldn’t want to use a browser that he leads. It takes a real POS to spend money towards homophobic legislation.

    Regardless of that though, Brave is still worse at protecting fingerprintable metrics than hardened Firefox. Brave browser is decent, maybe the best chromium based privacy browser, but not close to Firefox. There really isn’t such things as blending in with a crowd of other Brave users, like what is possible with Tor and Mullvad browsers.

  • They exist in capitalist limbo and serve as an example by which the system can keep everyone “above” fearful and hateful of them. Hate them for “leeching” but fear of becoming them. Disabled folk either can’t work or can (kinda) but are forced to stay poor to receive assistance. There are two distinct social classes I have observed: the “subhuman” class (as in they are treated as less than human) that the System keeps unproductive and pays for lossing out on their labour, and workering class (producers). The poor, homeless, disabled, queer, black, prisoners, and felonies are some of the people who are forced to be unproductive to keep “more fortunate” workers from joining in revolt. It is a technique of rulers to keep the System stable.

  • Lemongrab@lemmy.oneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    2 days ago

    Whether it be Snapchat or Canonical snap, fuck em’ both.

    Fuck the gov snap program for not being enough assistance (thanks Reagan and associates) and forcing people to stay very poor to receive much needed assistance. Manipulative is the word that comes to mind.

  • Victims of trauma dont just forget because time passes. They graduate (or dont) and move on in their lives, but the lingering effects of that traumatic experience shape the way the look at the worlds, whether they can trust, body disphoria, whether they can form long-lasting relationships, and other long last trauma responses. Time does not heal the wounds of trauma, they remain as scars that stay vulnerable forever (unless deliberate action is taken by the victim to dismantle the cognitive structure formed by the trauma event).

  • I watched it and I thought it was alright. I have no context for anything outside the video but what he said seems to make sense. Idk anything about FUTO other than they are at least source available for their apps which is enough to be able to inspect their claims about privacy and security.

    My take on non-profit source available licenses (I know nothing just stream of thought):
    I am I’m favor of an “open” source license minus profiting off of your forks, which I understand makes the resulting license not open source. In a capitalist system, the capitalist class will take every opportunity to parasitically take where ever possible. Nothing free in a capitalist system, including living. Free development comes at a cost, even iif made purely out of passion.

    Most of the code I will ever publish will be open source, with the exception of some big and very unique passion projects that I wish to stay nonprofit. Any person who forks it owns their code, but is limited to donations (just in the same way I’d adhere to the license). Source available at least means people can inspect it for badware, which is good for privacy and security. Allowing forking and community collaboration is important. But some greedy corporation stealing your code without contributing back is gross. In an ideal world we wouldn’t care about the perceived costs to our time by developing and releasing code for free because money would play no part in our ability to continue existing or as a way to measure our “worth”. Why freely enable thier behaviour just to maintain some pure ideological boundaries. They dont deserve to profit off of our labor and passion.

  • While I like the pic, I suspect it is AI generated. The hints I have are the (out of place) realistic texturing on the face, hands, and flower petals, as well as the one finger on the left side (right hand) which merges into a plant leaf with a gradient change. I obvi know it isn’t real, just trying to figure out if it is AI or Photoshop, and I’m guessing AI.