You are correct- from what I remember. I dug up this old photo up from my device but have no idea what artist did it.
lol true. Needs more misplaced fingers!
This pic is at least 15 years old I think. Not AI but part of some art project as another poster noted below.
Yeah what about this one though?
I’ve been way out of pop culture loop even before I started using Lemmy.
I have a system that works half the time 50% of the time. Still working on it.
I did this while assuming the owner was gonna say yes and went in for a pet. When I heard a stern “NO” I felt immediate embarrassment and said sorry. Never again will make that mistake.
That’s kinda what sparked this post. Def against single use plastic whenever possible. Not trying to get political but there’s some news stories about this today…
I guess I did forget about milkshakes or smoothies. Those do have a solid use case.
Almost read this as “spay” 🫣
Ehhhhh I think that can be argued a bit lol. I have wasted a lot of time without making much progress but it’s an activity I enjoy!
I mean I think it’s easy to get sucked into a passive entertainment experience. I grew up with regular old television and it’s kind of the same deal. And lort knows I’m guilty of YouTubing quite a bit - but for the most part I just kinda have it on the back ground while I’m doing other unproductive things - like playing chess or my phone or doomscrolling lol. Anyways good on you for realizing and sounds like you’re gonna get on a more productive path!
lol I wouldn’t mind seeing those
I had no idea and decided to search around. While this may not directly answer your question, this article was a good read:
What did they even get the ticket for??
I guess that photo op of eating McDonald’s on a plane with master paid off.
I agree with you. I also take the investing approach to hopefully learn any new skills I can during employment that might be viable for my future career somewhere else.
Josie and The Pussycats(2001)
Watched this one for the first time last night. Weird flick. I appreciated some of the satire but the jokes just were mostly just goofball. Interesting commentary on commercialism just could’ve been a lot funnier.