• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Lodra@programming.devtoSocialism@lemmy.mlSurplus Value
    24 hours ago


    It’s easy to understand how income and taxes affect my life. For many jobs, it’s very difficult to understand the value of my labor in a bigger picture.

    I think most people can’t think abstractly and thus struggle to see larger interactions like how money flows through an economy.

  • Well this is definitely a bit odd. Send like those comments should be included with the original change. Or maybe they shouldn’t be recorded as comments at all and they should be a git commit message. And where does that hard copy report come from? Anyways, back to your actual question.

    At this point, I’m still suggesting a tiny utility to assist with adding the comments. It looks like %ATTCHANGE and %REM are part of a very sort list of possible values. If so, a little cli tool can definitely help there. It could also handle the general comment structure and the changed value easily. Do these comments ever include something besides #ACCEPTED?

    The tricky part is the ‘12.24/4’. It sounds like you go through the report and then find the files/lines to create these comments. Is that right? It would be tricky to code a cli tool for doing that because you need to jump around between files.

    Last note for now, some simple git commands can definitely help you here. You could easily generate a list of changed files and lines. Another could show you the changed text. For any given change. Etc.

  • 100%

    At first, I was so skeptical of it not having tabs. I just didn’t understand the design and thought it destroyed its function as a browser. Now that I’ve been using it for many months, I view the lack of tabs as one of its best features 🤣

    I just also use a secondary browser for the few things I want to persist. In my case, I use normal Firefox. Which is still safari and iOS is blah blah blah…