MaoTheLawn [any, any]

  • 34 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2020


  • True, but over time it just about pays off. I made the switch years and years ago. A PS5 probably outperforms my PC on new games on Ultra settings, but I can still play all of them just with the graphics turned a notch down. When I want to upgrade I can just switch the GPU out for a better one. Annoyingly though, GPUs have become very expensive.

    Anyway, I get mods, a PC for video editing and such, general work stuff, movies, an infinite amount of customisability of hard/software, and so on. I’ve got a ridiculous amount of value for money out of it. And I could push it further still hypothetically if I used it as a host. My partner could probably do everything they do on their laptop (watching stuff, working), through a second monitor, while I played the latest PS5 game on ‘High’ settings on the primary monitor.

    I loved my consoles when I had them, but I don’t think I’ll ever go back.

  • BF4… went back to it recently… what a fucking game.

    Sometimes when the tanks are rolling in, the choppers are flying above, everything’s exploding and you’re running through it all, it really does feel like you’re in a movie. ONLY IN BATTLEFIELD is so true, and it makes me so sad that they’ve managed to fuck the franchise up so badly by trying to jump on the hero-shooter/battlepass shit.

    I also think BFBC2, BF3, and BF4 feel extra visceral because they’re depicting (a roided up version) of conflicts that I’ve seen on TV and that have happened in my lifetime. I mean, BF4’s slightly futuristic but it still feels within reason.