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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Got into MH with MH4U. Completely lucked into it. Had gotten myself a 3DS primarily intending to do small indie games and retro games, but happened on MH4U and thought that sure I might give a bigger tripple A style game for the 3DS, just to see how something that scale of a game would be on a handheld… And I got HOOKED. Then as I expressed my surprise at this to local friends, and praising the game, a couple of others got it as well and we started hunting together, both online but even better in local mode, which exposed the game to some others that didn’t even have 3DSes and got them interested enough to buy both device and game!

    Since then I’ve been stuck, playing MH4U, Generations (and ultimate), World, Rise and a bit of Stories 2.

    Favourites are MH4U and World.

    Edit: Lance main, Hammer secondary… But have used most weapons at least a bit.

  • Är det bara jag som inte förstår hur ljudböcker kan kosta mer än Netflix?

    Jag skulle gissa att det handlar om volymer. För att få ett attraktivt utbud behövs stor volym av olika böcker, vilket medför licenser man behöver betala för. Har man sedan en inte lika stor volym användare, så behöver priset per användare vara högre. Så har man ett sämre förhållande mellan volym licenser man behöver betala för och volym användare som ger intäkter i form av abbonnemang etc då behöver abbonnemangskostnaden bli högre.

  • Definitely not a fan of fixed unit sizes.

    Free wargear I’m a bit more undecided on. I like just getting to kit to the teeth, and using options that usually are rarely worth the point cost. I also like that it is just simpler/quicker… Buuut, as tyere will be objectively better options that will always get picked and I don’t like not being able to just remove some equipment to fit a point limit and instead have to change whole units. The building blocks become much bigger, meaning list composition ends up more rigid which I don’t quite like.