Moss [they/them]

Who up sauling they Goodman. Is that anything

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I am an early 00s baby so I can give you some insight on a couple of those things. First, I like ASMR, but it has to be really specific. There are only a few creators I watch and I only watch specifically sci-fi or medical roleplay. I have no idea why these are the only videos that work for me, but they are. But when they work, they feel great. I get a really relaxing tingly feeling in my head, like when you’re a kid and your parent is scratching your head. It’s definitely weird but it works for me. I can’t explain it.

    I use Instagram loads, but only really to look at memes and talk with my friends. I don’t post much, and most of my friends don’t post much either. My feed is 95% shitposts and 5% cooking videos.

    Anime is so popular and moves so fast now, and has so much support, in comparison to the 90s when a lot of it would never get an English dub or sub. There’s always gonna be a few popular battle shonen - it used to be Bleach and Naruto, then Attack on Titan, now it’s Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia. But there’s also so many seasonal anime that asking someone “do you watch anime” actually doesn’t tell you much about their tastes.

    I always take my photos and videos in portrait because I guess that’s the best way to look at them on a phone. I never turn my phone sideways because it’s easier to scroll in portrait.

    Also, a lot of people are saying that Gen z are a lot cooler than our predecessor politically. That may be true (idk I wasn’t there when you were young), partially because we grew up in a post cold war, post 9/11, post 2008 crash world, but also partially because of the movements which came before us. I would say most young people are very good on LGBT issues specifically, and I think that’s in large part thanks to the especially vocal movements of older queer people who came to the forefront as we were growing up. We were more exposed to gay and trans people in a positive light, thanks to a lot of millennials.

  • University is the fucking worst sometimes. So I had two tours to attend during my last semester for a module, worth 5% each. I went to both and assumed that would be a guaranteed 10%, because I did what was asked. Did I get the 10%? No. Why? No fucking clue. We were never told to provide any proof or sign anything, and the professor didn’t take attendance on the day, so I guess my professor just fucking forgot. Great. 10% is the difference between a pass and a fail. So I emailed my professor. I get an automated email back saying that she can’t get back to me because she’s busy all summer. Fucking brilliant. Emailed the tutor. Gone for the summer. I can’t use the appeal systems because it requires me to fill out a form with evidence that supports my appeal, and the only evidence is that my professor saw me with her own two fucking eyes. But of course she can’t verify anything because she’s busy. If I have to resit an entire module in my last year of college because my professor forgot about me I’m actually going to kill myself.

  • Does anyone else feel really responsible for changing the world? Like, when I was a teenager I realised that politicians and capitalists did not have anyone’s best interests at heart, and it was clear that we needed radical change. There was no communist movement at all in my country, and I’ve met less than 5 communists over the age of 25. It feels like we’re starting from square one, and nobody is going to do anything unless we - or more personally, I - am the one to do it. Its not like I believe that I’m the main character, or particularly important in comparison to anyone else, but I feel like every second I spend not building communism is wasted. I feel like I’m ignoring my responsibilities. This is probably stupid, I’m 21 and I doubt anyone expects me to have anything figured out, but I feel like I need to be devoting my entire existence to overthrowing capitalism, and every second I don’t, I’m being irresponsible.