I believe OP is joking
I believe OP is joking
UHT is the opposite of raw milk.
Panic for a month? More than a month? All 5 people?
Changing shoes is not going to protect you from bird flu. It’s respiratory like regular flu and COVID and RSV, all of which are why I KN95 up when going indoors around people away from home.
By the time I’m home the only thing left on my shoes is dust from the outside hallway
If you step in dogshit and don’t clean it off immediately you’re an ass. If you spit on the ground you’re also an ass.
My point is that there’s a big difference between coming inside with visually-clean shoes and “bringing piles of dirt and nastiness.” I observed during COVID “lockdown” when I and my husband didn’t leave our apartment at all because of his vulnerability, and there was absolutely no difference in the amount of grime I swept off our floors from the previous weeks. Nor has it increased now that we exit and re-enter. Neither my shoes nor his wheelchair tires are tracking in any measurable amount of additional dirt. What did make a difference was the Palisades Fire. We were on the eastern edge of the Warning Zone, upwind, and evacuated as a precaution, leaving our door and windows shut and HVAC off. We returned to find a thick layer of ash on our balcony and a thin dusting of ash throughout the indoors. So I maintain the outside gets in regardless. If you don’t choose to take off your shoes, wipe your feet.
Oh and don’t forget your shit particles expelled sideways with force because you closed the lid before flushing
Sorry to tell you but your house floor is still dirty. With the flesh from your body, the debris from entropy dissolving your possessions, even with outside things like tyre dust and petrol fumes and pollen and evaporated dog piss. If your shoes are wiped to where they look clean, wearing them indoors isn’t going to make much difference. And you should always assume every floor is dirty when you make a 5-second rule decision. Now excuse me, I gotta go swiff my floors.
I love OP and literally updooted their meme.
Well, I have to say I think it’s okay because generally we do capitalize the first letter of a sentence. But my phone of course autocorrected it. And since it’s a name, we should defer to the preference of the person or thing being named. If I said “e e cummings was a poet perhaps best known for his rejection of capitalisation and punctuation,” it would be stupid and perhaps rude of me to type it as “E. E. Cummings,” and yet that’s how he appears in Wikipedia. So I guess I come down on the side of, “I’ll allow it.”
That definition doesn’t fit this example either. If it did, we’d end up with 2 iPhones.
But not metaphorically, which is what we’re seeing here, in this visual pun.
Oh God. Do you realize where we’re going?
Okay I’ll be that guy. Not literally.
It’s still a funny visual joke, and loses nothing by being simply
iPhone went through mitosis
Or if you’re even more pedantic than I,
iPhone camera went through mitosis
Are there many more urgent problems in the world than proliferation of misused "literally"s?
Absolutely. And I do my tiny part. But focusing for a moment on something small like this helps me step away from the abyss.
Oh, they’re just going to nepotism some idiot fuckup into the job.
That’s a good attitude! Both as regards this friendship and girls in general.
Okay maybe it’s just because I’m an old woman and the world has changed, but in my day I had a lot of guy friends around whom I didn’t try to be cute or sexy and we stayed just friends. Gonna agree that probably it’s something she has to decide on her own, not be asked. If I knew the guy had a crush and was trying to get over it I would be my unvarnished self. Maybe also my perspective is different from yours because I don’t choose to wear makeup for myself, only to look like I made an effort in social occasions.
The part about walking on eggshells is your addition, I didn’t say or imply that.
So now you have a friend that you have so much in common with, to do stuff together that you both enjoy, and not do stuff you both dislike. You’d keep a friend like that if he was a guy. What if you told this girl you want to try to be friends, but please make an effort to not be so hot when you’re hanging out together. No makeup, her least flattering clothes. Unless you’re going out drinking and being wingpeople for each other, then obviously you both help each other make attractive choices. If you still can’t let her out of your fuckzone, and treat her as a real friend, then maybe it’s time to part.
If I want that cooked flavor I open a can of evaporated (not condensed which has a lot of added sugar) milk. It’s yummy in coffee and any cooking/baking use.