Some IT guy, IDK.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • It pays for me to push it off. I own my car and I’m not really using it. So I pay very little in fuel and maintenance because the vehicle sits in my driveway most days.

    I can afford to wait.

    When the day comes that my vehicle is no longer viable, then I’ll consider my options. For now, I’m happy to sit on my hands. I work from home, and the only time I get in the car is for rare site visits for work or occasional leisure activities, like grocery shopping or running other errands.

    When that time comes, I’ll have to consider if I even still need a vehicle or if my SO and I should just share one.

    All concerns for the future. I’m excited to see what happens with sodium and solid state over the next decade, and I have no problem waiting to see before I make any decisions about my needs. Hopefully we get some progress before I have to make that decision. I spend so little time in the car right now that it would be a shame to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a newer vehicle for it to sit in my driveway.

  • They’re still working on this. I’ve more or less been holding my breath on the battery tech.

    I want to see, either easily recycled materials that are common (sodium cells seem to fit here), or batteries that last the useful life of the vehicle and beyond (solid state batteries are a good example here). I don’t really care which.

    Cheap sodium based batteries, with adequate recycling technology would be a fine solution. Alternatively, even fairly “expensive” (in terms of rare metals) solid state batteries, would also be fine, since a single set of batteries may survive over several vehicles, depending on what solid state batteries can do when they finally hit the mass market.

    I just don’t want to have to replace the battery at nearly the cost of a whole ass new EV, well short of the useful life of the rest of the vehicle. Either the battery cost and environmental impact comes down, or we remove the need to replace the batteries with a version that lasts as long or longer than the rest of the vehicle.

    I like EVs. I want an EV. I don’t want to buy the current EVs on the market.

    Also, if any vehicle designers are reading this, can we cut the shit where anything hybrid or EV looks ridiculous? IMO, a big reason why Tesla was so successful, is that they made it into a car. The model S, though unique in design, isn’t a significant departure from pretty much every other sedan, in terms of design. Compare with something like the Prius, which is generally only a funny looking hatchback, or the Volt… Which also looks pretty dumb IMO. Just give me a regular car.

    … Okay, the Prius and Volt probably aren’t the best examples. I’ll put a better one here… The BMW i3. Just… What the hell.

  • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.catoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
    20 hours ago

    I agree. ICE vehicles usually have more range, fuel is basically available everywhere, they take minutes to fill, and generally have a cheaper initial cost.

    In addition to that, ICE cars, though needing more maintenance, have repair shops in just about every village, town, city… often several of them.

    I feel like EVs are a bit of a glass cannon when it comes to anything that might go wrong with them. Whatever goes wrong is very likely to cause the vehicle to stop operation entirely. Most ICE cars will either just keep working when something is wrong, or at worst go into a limp mode, allowing you to get to a repair shop to have the vehicle repaired.

    I understand why EVs are the way they are, high voltage electricity is no joke, but then you need a tow truck to get to the service center that’s likely much further away.

    EVs are great, don’t get me wrong, but if you’re planning for the worst case and/or failure cases, ICE vehicles just fail more gradually, frequently giving you some leeway to take care of the problem well before the vehicle completely stops working.

  • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    2 days ago

    I do this.

    I used to work in grocery, and I know how to do the job quite well, even after being out of the industry for a long time. When I come up to a shelf that I know the workers have recently done up to look proper, I will take what I need, then fix the shelf so it looks the same when I leave.

    If I spot a box of product behind the box I just took the last product out of, I’ll toss the empty in behind and bring the full one forward, because I’m not a neanderthal.

    Grocery workers aren’t paid enough as is and they have enough work without me adding to their workload. I loathe anyone who picks up products, then leaves them elsewhere in the store, especially if it’s something perishable like meat, dairy, or frozen goods. Fuck those people. Is it really so hard to either take it back to where you found it, or at least find an employee and ask them to return it so it doesn’t spoil? Don’t be a lazy fuck. You have to go talk to the cashier when you check out, so give it to them. If they let it spoil, that’s not your fault nor your problem, just try. FFS.

  • This is probably a big reason I don’t buy/play newer multiplayer games, especially ones that are mp only, and a big reason why I buy everything on steam and avoid other platforms.

    I’ve heard of games being dropped by steam, but those that already own it, still own it and can access it on steam as normal. In the situations I’m aware of, those games eventually returned to steam later, but still.

    I prefer games that are either peer to peer mp, or you can self host a server for mp. I’m not saying that I’ll always self host, but if the option is there, then I’ll never lose the ability to play the game with friends, since I only need to set up a server to play on. Since I have a homelab, setting something like that up is trivial for me, and I can shut down and delete the server afterwards when it’s no longer wanted or needed.

    Everyone going crazy for the latest version of whatever battle Royale type game, laying down premium money to play on day one, and spending a lot to get buffs and cosmetics… It just seems stupid to me. No thanks.

    Free to play multiplayer with the option to buy cosmetics is less bad, but still not great. You can play, enjoy some time with friends while playing the game and if it goes offline tomorrow, who cares? You didn’t pay anything for it and I’m certain there’s other options in the same vein. As long as you’re having fun, enjoy.

    If I’m paying for a game, it’s probably because of the single player experience. Anything multiplayer is icing on the cake, but not motivation to buy it.

  • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    3 days ago

    Kinda makes me want to get one of those wire hotdog rollers that you see in convenience stores and just set it up in my back seat whenever I’m going somewhere and will be leaving my car in the sun for a few hours. Just load it up with hotdogs, turn on the thing to make it spin (no heater required), go about my day and when I get back to my car, lunch is ready.

    … But then, I think of the smell.

  • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPSA.
    4 days ago

    I’m not a doctor and I have no idea what I’m talking about, but to my (very limited) understanding of the mechanics of it, it’s not that simple.

    You don’t get/stay erect because of the flow to your penis, sure, that’s an important part of the process, but the key to getting/staying hard is blocking flow out of the penis. In theory, again, I have no actual idea, I’m just speculating, you could go in and shunt the vein to force it to open up all the way to drain the blood, however, you may hit an obstacle in trying to do that, like a titanium cock ring.

    From the limited amount I know, it’s possible to drain the blood directly, but my understanding is that it’s not a very fun thing to try to do, because as soon as you lose the erection, it opens up vessels and more blood can flow in, so it turns into a bloodletting through your cock, and you have to essentially let the blood out faster than it can flow in, unless you cut off the arterial flow into the penis, which isn’t as simple as a single clamp. The arteries are also inside of you, so that’s also a problem. Fun times in the surgery bay? (Not really)

    The whole thing is far more complex than I really understand, so I might be way off. I’m no doctor and I’m certainly not a reproductive organ specialist (or any adjacent discipline). I’m certain that someone with far more time spent in school who earns way more than I do, can correct me on every point here, so I’ll stop.

  • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldI did shave them.
    4 days ago

    I dunno if weed killer is going to be causing cancer, but sure.

    Do what you want.

    I’m mainly concerned with shit like the Lonestar tick which has a chance of making you allergic to red meat if you’re bitten.

    I mean, any tick sucks (pun intended), but that is just a whole new level of torture. I love steak. It’s probably a big reason why I couldn’t be vegan. Steak is just too good.