Nagarjuna [he/him]

We have a duty to fight for our freedom. We have a duty to win.

  • 23 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2020


  • He is, read Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value.

    This analysis isn’t wrong, it’s just partial. There’s stuff like labor exploitation, gendered hyperexploitation, etc. But there’s also something where desirable jobs have less bargaining power because the labor pool is flooded (Firefighters are an example of this). Graeber’s argument is a non-structural articulation of the same phenomena. In the case of teachers, the amount we pay them is very much a decision made fairly arbitrarily. It’s mostly a matter of public investment, the decisions around which are massively over-determined to the point where you do have to talk about things like subconscious decision-making and cultural values.

    If your issue is with taking the subconscious into account in your analysis, then you’re putting yourself in opposition to incredibly influential Marxists like Adorno.

  • Yeah, there have. I saw one person get up voted for saying that decolonizing Palestine required ethnic cleansing. I saw another say that Jews need to “pack up and leave” Israel. Both upvoted. It’s not the mainstream but it’s out there.

    More common though is vague language that probably applies to settlers / likud or whoever but could reasonably be interpreted to mean “jews” by someone not on the same page as the hexbear mainstream.

  • Moreover, the natural development of economic antagonisms, the waking consciousness of an important fraction of the proletariat, the constantly increasing number of unemployed, the blind resistance of the ruling classes, in short contemporary evolution as a whole, is conducting us inevitably towards the outbreak of a great revolution, which will overthrow everything by its violence, and the fore-running signs of which are already visible. This revolution will happen, with us or without us; and the existence of a revolutionary party, conscious of the end to be attained, will serve to give a useful direction to the violence, and to moderate its excesses by the influence of a lofty ideal.

    –Ericco Malatesta, Anarchy and Violence

  • I was comparing more or less heavy handed ways of doing it. I’m advocating for as light a touch as possible. I’m trying to say that authority is a meaningful concept and that we should engage with it because it’s actually very important.

    It’s like how some US cities put you on a payment plan for debts, while others put you in jail. They’re both situations of capitalist class rule, but it’s fair to call the latter authoritarian.

  • I mean, there’s pretty clearly a difference between the Cuban approach of letting capitalists leave vs the Russian approach of imprisoning them.

    There’s also a difference between the Bolivian approach of arming and training the peasantry and the GDR approach of maintaining an armed military police into peace time.

    There is a meaningful difference between methods of protecting working class power, and pretending there isn’t serves more heavy handed approaches.

    For those of us who are abolitionists, this is a central question.