• 31 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • “Turkey, for example, is more interested in playing the role of a middle power between the West and Russia while expanding its own influence in the Middle East, often openly sympathizing with Islamists groups such as Hamas whose fighters have been receiving medical treatment in Turkey. This is quite remarkable, considering that Nato’s original purpose was as a defense against the Soviet Union, and that Article 5 (stating that an armed attack against one member state shall be considered an attack against all member states) of the North Atlantic Treaty has only been invoked once in the 75-year history of the alliance. In that case, it was against the violent Islamism of al-Qaeda after 9/11.”

    I am going to gouge my eyes out.

  • “The Biden administration will allow a Ukrainian military unit with a checkered past to use U.S. weaponry, the State Department said Monday, having lifted a ban imposed years ago amid concerns in Washington about the group’s origins.”

    What checkered past? What concerns about what origins? Do be more specific, Jeffery.

    Also, too little too late. Who’s going to get these weapons? I know the plan now is to create a neonazi terror cell in Ukraine, but it’s sure as hell not going to turn the tide.