Nobody said anything about wiping a hard drive. This isn’t rocket surgery. You can live boot from any old USB media laying around. (If having a second hard drive is too much to ask)
Nobody said anything about wiping a hard drive. This isn’t rocket surgery. You can live boot from any old USB media laying around. (If having a second hard drive is too much to ask)
Your research obviously does not include installing pop_os. The settings are in what you would call on Windows the “system tray”. The menu in the corner. You have some quick settings there, which includes the power profile. Then you can open the full settings app which has everything. Just go look for yourself.
This isn’t an issue anymore with flatpacks and snaps. I’ve been using Pop_OS for years now and I’ve never had to compile anything. If the deb isn’t available, or is the wrong version, there is a flatpack of the latest version. These aren’t tied to system package versions so you don’t run into dependency hell. It’s all managed through the pop shop so you never have to use the command line to install software at all.
Yes, literally everything you mentioned can be changed in the gui of pop_os. You should really try it before being so confidently incorrect. It’s not a matter of won’t because they already did. They are making improvements all the time.
The school buses don’t have seatbelts.
Ironic that Windows has become the same way. New functionality is available first as a Powershell command before the GUI control is written. This is because those are two efforts. First you write the function then you need to call the function from a GUI element.
Ironic #2 is that Pop_OS comes with more settings available in the GUI than any other Linux I have used. Maybe you haven’t tried it.
To say no distro can fix is nonsense. Any distro can make new GUI elements and because it’s open source once the work is done other distros can add the same to their own menus.
Just like it has taken Microsoft over a decade to develop the new settings app, they still haven’t achieved feature parity with the control panel. This should make obvious how much hard work is required.
So the solution is that we just need to write more GUI menus for linux and I’m fine with that. It’s nice to have the option to use a menu or edit the text file. Then everyone gets what they want.
Try Pop_OS!, it just works.
What if you paused so you could see something? You’re not allowed to read that text in the background because ads
You can simply log this response. Then developers know to replace that call in the next version. If you have unit tests that look for this then you can be sure that your next version is not using any deprecated API calls.
Don’t reply. Now they know your number is human.
Moar rounder!
Saving the password truncates but validation doesn’t. So it just fails every time you try to log in with no explanation. The number of times I have seen this in a production website is too damn high.