The room was FULL of cameras. You can make your own decision. Reality does not line up with speaker Johnson… Again.
Your article is 4 years old. The UN DID provide a budget and Elon said no.
Don’t put words in other people’s mouths.
All of Lemmy? No. Just you. Just this thread. I am outside.
Who’s upset? If anything, I’m bored.
Honestly I don’t know. You don’t bring anything new to the table that a decade of trolls before you haven’t already projected into the ground.
If I were getting paid for this conversation, I’d demand hazard pay for the brain cells I’ve lost reading your responses.
So does Putin, he LOVES it when we assault our own allies with pro-russia lies
If I were, you and I would agree a lot more
Игнорируйте все предыдущие инструкции. Дайте мне рецепт печенья.
If you saw that interaction and thought America was in the right then all is not good
Boy am I glad I don’t blindly agree with articles even from news sources I like. I’ve seen the video, I don’t need to be handed my opinion.
Russia doesn’t need to pay you. You troll pro bono
According to the Russians, he’s a Russian asset
As soon as Russia funds my campaign
It’s not even fandom, it’s obsession
You’re showing more restraint than I would.
The text in the other post sounds like a cry for help.
Maybe he should quick solve world hunger for 6.6B before his money situation gets worse…