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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 7th, 2024


  • This is not really related to the post, but can you add something like this to the score screen?

    Currently, I feel like exploration is the most frustrating category to get perfect.

    There’s no way to know what you missed since it was probably a secret, so you don’t know what you need to do to improve

    What about adding a screen like this in the score section and showing the secret you missed?

  • I honestly thought that it was an intended weakness for the scythe, so I never even thought to mention it.

    I’ve always had this as question in my mind, do you balance the game around 9 challenges? I feel like all the classes are balanced so well even at 9 challenges, except the berserk, it’s hard to build around armor

    Also, I know you are doing some quality of life changes next patch, can I recommend making the alchemy recipe book more visible for PC players?

    I watch a lot of newer players on YouTube, and the alchemy book (that green one) is so small that people almost never find it.

    And even if the find out about recipes, I’ve seen people exit the alchemy station to look for recipes in the journal instead of using the alchemy book in the alchemy station.

    Maybe put it somewhere in the middle so it’s easier to find, it would be more in focus?___

  • I think the trinkets did a really good job of balancing adding new stuff at the cost of taking away something else.

    I think vegetation rooms are the problem instead of just the trinket itself, there’s no downside to vegetation rooms, you just get more items and way more room to maneuver.

    What about making it so vegetation rooms also increase the chance of fire traps or barricades that require potions of liquid flame?