SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]

Some leftist

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2020


  • This garbage theory originated in Havana and some scientists noted that it occurred during a time when embassies were being fumigated as Zika was a concern, and exposure to the fumigants would’ve caused the symptoms being experienced

    And it has turned into this absolutely deranged, nonsensical plot about how ‘the evil countries’ are using hitherto unknown weaponry on our brave men and women

    Fuck this idiot heap called a country

  • Only took 2 contentious replies for them to go from ‘religious ban bad’ to ‘uncontrolled immigrants are a problem’.

    And they claim to be a succdem lmao, they’re not even that, they’re an embarrassed conservative. Even most liberals don’t like this policy, it’s why ‘most experts’ by their own admission are against it. r/politics buries most articles on it.

    This idiot is just an out and about racist.

  • The post was about shutting down the border and deporting everyone, so…yeah I guess I ‘moved the goal post’ from where you already moved it to be (‘muslim ban’), but Biden is quite literally doing that, and he drew inspiration from that ban.

    No. Is biden doing the best thing for the southern border. I’m not sure, experts seems to say no.

    Then why are you here vehemently defending him and his fucking awful policies? Do you think you’re changing anyone’s mind? Or are you trying to convince yourself?