Sasuke [comrade/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020



    – as half-understood by someone with a bad brain and 500+ pages left of capital vol 2

    i, a capitalist, will use my money💰 (M) to create a worm factory 🪱🏭, which makes worms 🪱 from wormparts 🧱

    i invest my M 💰 ($100) in the commodities © necessary for the creation of my worm factory 🪱 🏭, with the intention to create more value from making worms 🪱 from the resource known as ‘wormparts’ 🧱. the C part of the cycle must be further split into the mp (means of production) 📠 (<- machine that makes worms from worm parts 🧱) and labour (L) 👷‍♀️(<- underpaid worker that operates the machine that makes worms from worm parts 🧱)

    the circulation of money capital is interrupted by P, the production stage of the cycle, where worm parts 🧱 is turned into highly sought-after worms 🪱 by exploiting the labour (L) of my worm-operator 👷‍♀️

    the cycle then continues with the production of my finished worms 🪱 (C’) which can be sold at a higher price than the worm parts 🧱

    So C’ = C + c, big C being the original commodity form(s) and little c (the ') being the new commodity form(s)

    And M’ = M + m, big M being the original money capital (100$) that started the circut, and little m (the ') being the surplus value created by selling my worms 🪱

    kitty-birthday-sad (crying and screaming and pulling my hair out… but being very brave about it)

  • the joke predates watchmen. only reason i know this is that if appears in benjamin’s arcades project (which im currently reading) in the chapter on boredom

    Boredom began to be experienced in epidemic proportions during the 1840s. Lamartine is said to be the first to have given expression to this malady. It plays a role in a little story about the famous mime Deburau. A distinguished Paris neurologist was consulted one day by a patient whom he had not seen before. The patient complained of the typical illness of the times – weariness with life, deep depression, boredom. ‘There’s nothing wrong with you,’ said the doctor after a thorough examination. ‘Just try to relax – find something to entertain you. Go to see Deburau some evening, and life will look different to you.’ ‘Ah, dear sir,’ answered the patient, ‘I am Deburau.’"