Sebrof [comrade/them, he/him]

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2024


  • I appreciate the comment about stats. I (pretend to) do stats for a living and am aware of how they can be misused ;) And I’m surrounded by STEM people who tend to be very historically ignorant and arrogant. Maybe that’s also why I think I need stats to convince them. But I’d feel more comfortable going the route of the USSR freeing it’s population of homelessness and providing basic needs, and providing aid and assistance to national liberation movements the world over. But I guess I lack confidence in my ability to persuade, or maybe I’m being defeatist. I feel getting Americans to care about decolonization movements or to look past their ideological nonsense beliefs about China and the USSR is a tall order. I wish I had your gumption for the game ;)

  • Oy. I heard a coworker of mine talking to another about some art museum exhibit that had Soviet underground art from artists who were “not on best terms with the government, but, really, who was…”

    Another day some radio host was shit talking John Brown and talking about the South just defending it’s way of life against the “failing north” and their “industry” during the civil war.

    And finally last week my coworkers were talking about Kim Jong Un being an “asshole” who “killed his own men by tying him to a missile.” Like a literal comic book villain lol. People believe that shit.

    This place hurts my soul so deeply.

  • I was terrible at networking, and if didn’t really help me. I’m just not an outgoing type and during networking events I would sorts retreat inward and the more outgoing people would “out network” me. Business is full of psychopaths. For me, the closest thing to networking that came in handy was just leaning into the friends, colleagues, and teachers I already knew. Reminding them I existed, giving them an update on my life and asking them about theirs. And that also involved telling them I was unemployed and was looking for a job. One teacher did end up giving me some info on a job opening (though it was after I’d already accepted a position). So Idk if I got anything out of it, but I’d say just reaching out to the people you already know, asking how they are and even if they can let you know of any positions that they come across, can be a good form of “networking” for people who (rightfully) hate networking and find it soul crushing. Best of luck to you!

  • I wouldn’t put it past them. The racism is very casual and nobody thinks twice when speaking that way. I wouldn’t be surprised if s small down has a sign like that. My own small town has a “All Lives Matter” sign up on entering. I have many stories from growing up down there, and I’ve heard some bad shit from my own family. I’ve been having a minor culture shock with how … different… (white) people are down South after returning for some time. Though I don’t want to come across like I’m saying only the Southern US has these problems, and my experience is just a small sliver of it all.

  • Where I’m at that’s, sadly, the dominant view. I moved back down South (US) and had a small bit of culture shock. There are billboards along the road with the “spare the rod, spoil the child” plastered on them. Sick shit that’s way too normalized.

    I’ve had to Uber lately to get to work and the conversations with people tend to turn toward an unpleasant side. One told me how we have to spank (best) our kids “just a little bit”

    Off topic, but related to Uber drivers. One talked about how he wants to go to school to study Ukraine (he apparently has ‘charities’ for Ukraine) and told me how you “can’t learn anything” in school nowadays because of “these protestors”

    Another talked about all the antisemitism he has been experiencing since the Genocide started

    And another guy was an Indian Christian who praised Modi

    Every trip is like a ride from hell, and they’ve been a bit too on the nose lately with their hellishness

  • I’m real sorry you’re going through this. I wish I had something definitive to give you to help, but I’ve been through this with the tech sector (I don’t know the specifics of your background) and was unemployed for 9 months. Ran out of unemployment, but still had health insurance from the state. It had a real strain on my relationship and most aspects of life (made it near impossible to enjoy or utilize the extra free time). I eventually found a job, but it required a pay cut, a downgrade in position, and a move halfway across the country. Capital is disciplining :(

    Apply for jobs like it’s your job. Practice interview questions. Reach out to your network, even if it’s just friends, or “colleagues” you haven’t spoken to in a while. My wife helped a lot with job applications and interview practice.

    I’m likely preaching to the choir and I’m sorry I’m coming across this way. I just feel your pain :(

    It does get better, I didn’t feel like it ever would, bur eventually something can work out. We have a mutual aid channel (I believe - others may need to give details) in case you ever need help.