Some dingbat that occasionally builds neat stuff without breaking others. The person running this public-but-not-promoted instance because reasons.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2024

  • Are you not paying for my PHD, the time and efforts put in to obtain it, and then demanding I use those skills obtained for your benefit at what price you decide appropriate? If so you are just taking of my efforts without concern for me and my well being. It’s just coerced labor of the intellectual and skilled then as much as it is to demand heavy labor without due compense. Without the expert’s guidance the laborer has nothing to labor for and so those distinctions need to be recognized. There is some reasonable cap and it falls well short of the billionaire sitting on a horde of wealth, but to demand of the accomplished while giving freely to the idle punishes innovation, ambition, and leadership.

  • It changes over extended time spans on the order of generations, and I might say it’s cyclical but it’s hard to see in a given lifetime.

    In the early 1900s USA people where held at the absolute mercy of the wealthy, working long hours in wretched conditions for a pittance.

    During and shortly after the WW1 & WW2 there was a massive push for unity and worker rights, the unions took shape and the working class took a large chunk of power away from the owners to better their standing.

    In the 50s-70s there was a time of keeping pace with the neighbors, competitive but also concerned with the well-being of your fellow people.

    Then from the 80s through early 2000s it switched and became a hyper individualistic ‘I got mine’ mindset.

    In the last couple decades we’ve started to see a return to a push for collective good, but it has been held back a lot by a heavily divided population with half blaming the other half for the decay of society while those with means just sit back and watch the sniping from afar.

    I’ve only been around for those last couple portions so a lot of my perspective is just my impressions from history books, but I guess the point I’d make is to look at the ebb and flow of things in historical context. People’s willingness to defer to power is both personal and couched in the willingness of society to support the individual.

  • I would argue against the functional enslavement of anyone, whether the basic laborer forced to work multiple jobs just to survive, or in taking from the accomplished skilled professional who used their time and dedication to become exceptionally skilled by not compensating them for their efforts.

    Nobody should have to struggle excessively to live, but they should have the ability to excell if they choose. So you can make what you will of that for a title.