SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2022


  • large-adult-son

    The Words of His Holiness St. Bhagavan Shree Matt Christman (SWT) will be interpreted:

    all contemporary politics are liberal neuroses caused by the death of god

    Mainstream western politics are the expressions of and the coping mechanisms for neuroses caused by the ravaging of the human psyche that existing as a capitalist subject induces. The ruling class exploits this fully with the charade of two party electoral politics. The death of god refers to the end of a collective shared dream and striving by humanity towards creating heaven on earth (leftist mass movement), because…

    Karl Marx is the secular reincarnation of Christ

    Matt talked on length once about how Communism carries elements of ancient Christian Teleological aspirations of creating heaven on Earth and possibly spawning “God” through the realization of a truly collectivist existence, seeing “God” in striving towards the common good of all. Unfortunately…

    the failure of the German* revolution doomed us all

    I forgot where matt mentions this, its a bit eurocentric too, but there was a revolution called the “November revolution” that occurred before WW1 in Germany. This revolution was a pivotal moment in history, because the historical conditions at that point (according to Matt) meant that the toppling of the German capitalist machine would cause a chain reaction where the entirety of europe would experience an “Arab Spring” moment, possibly leading to a divergence in history where the west may have become socialist.

    Unfortunately, they were beaten by the bourgeoisie, and all revolutionary energy was devoted to WW1, all momentum was lost as millions literally died, therefore…

    the battle of armageddon already happened and satan won

    According to matt, the 20th century was a truly critical time in western history where the forces of heaven (20th century socialism/communism) fought against the forces of the Demiurge (the capitalist powers).

    After a long and bloody series of conflicts, in 1991, the USSR fell. Armageddon, for western socialism, one year later, Fukuyama declares history to have ended, a victory for satan.

    A truly incomprehensible amount of death and suffering thus followed…

    the Demiurge is everywhere, and his name is Mammon

    Capitalism kills hundreds of millions of people per year, makes billions suffer lives of toil, and ravages the planet to the point of total ecological catastrophe, all in the name of “economic growth” because, as per Mammon, “Greed is Good”, as such, if you put your ear to the ground…

    i can hear der Weltgeist, father, and it is weeping

    The driving force of capital will doom everyone it feeds on worldwide unless we act to oppose it.

  • Dialectics doesn’t really imply pairs of things, there can be any number of things that are all each other’s opposites.

    Whoops I meant to ask moreso: Why does the base unit have to be an opposite though? Why not a triad?

    It is worth noting that whether dialectics applies to the natural world like chemistry inside plants is a topic of some controversy.

    Thats true, maybe I shouldn’t focus on that part so much and instead focus on its application in social sciences. Thanks for the clarification.

  • Recognizing that anglo disgust at other countries retributive notions of justice only extends to white anglos and ridiculing it

    Thats not the context I got, OP’s post is ridiculing some white libshit for fucking around and finding out in DPRK (based), not about asymmetry of disgust based on whiteness.

    To this, the other anon responded that its “funny” how some kid got beaten by Singapore and Australians get killed in Bali for drugs, to the dismay of their respective governments. Singapore isn’t doing “self defense” when they cane teenagers for doing dumb shit.

    I agree though, they only get disgusted when its a white citizen and/or when the country is their geopolitical enemy. Saudi Arabia beheads people for being gay and none of the western elite give a shit. I apologize if this is what anon meant originally, its just that I hate the Singaporean, Malaysian, and Indonesian governments to hell and back for their bullshit.

  • Maybe crackers should have thought about that before killing, raping, looting, and enslaving their way across the entire globe for the last half millennium.


    Singapore is part of the imperial core, a capitalist country with limited freedom of speech and assembly.

    Indonesia is also a capitalist country which, with Australia’s help mind you, performed an invasion and genocide of neighboring East Timor to destroy their socialist government.

    These countries are part of the same world order established by the killing, raping, looting, and enslaving you mentioned, which in fact, they continue to help perpetuate because they inherited colonial patterns of political economy, subservient to the global elite of white nationalist colonialism.

    We shouldn’t celebrate their cruel form of “justice” because it is antithetical to the preservation and enabling of human flourishing. They are corrupt, fascist monsters to be destroyed.

    Waaaahhhhhhh white people can’t face consequences for their actions unless a government of the exact form I like is dishing out those consequences.


    Right wing christian brainworms. When it comes to meting out violence, how can you trust governments with the most cruel ideology to be fair and just?

  • That time the Singaporeans sentenced a cracker to 6 lashes of a cane for vandalism.

    Singapore is part of the imperial core, a capitalist country with limited freedom of speech and assembly. It isn’t based to beat a teenager until the point of bleeding for doing his part against car culture, even if the teenager in question was an asshole. This is just like cuckservatives gleefully getting precum in their adult diapers when teenagers in america get shot by the police or small business owners for theft, even if you can argue that such *examples are not comparable since the thefts were out of necessity while Michael Faye was being a little shit. Its just not right for capitalist “civil society” to physically punish the youth.

    Also the Aussies pitching a fit every time one of their crackers gets a death sentence for bringing drugs into Bali.

    Indonesia is also a capitalist country which, with Australia’s help mind you, performed an invasion and genocide of neighboring East Timor to destroy their socialist government. Even if the Australian “people” who go there to “party” deserve slow painful deaths, such retribution should be meted out by the people, not the fascist government.

  • morshupls


    I can call it a fascist organization because it is one. For the 100th time, I know Russia is a neoliberal state with a Nazi problem too, however I am not going to fall for state department propaganda and place the majority of the responsibility for this mess solely on Russia to minimize the gross involvement of the imperialist white supremacist settler-colonial extractive project that is NATO. It was a bad move of them to escalate tensions, but it was even worse for NATO to come in and destabilize the fucking region in the first place in 2014 with euromaidan and actively oppose peaceful negotiations as the war drags on and hundreds of thousands of ordinary people like you or I suffer and die in a hell on earth. Can you understand this?

    Nobody wanted this war, this is purely Russia’s doing. Just because Ukraine has some marginal neo-nazi groups doesn’t mean the country is run by Nazis.

    Are you fucking kidding me? What are you even talking about? You didn’t read a single word of the post you are replying to and are just parroting off whatever talking points Murdoch gave you to manufacture consent for NATOs proxy war.

    Are you actually saying that the West, after first and foremost destroying the region, causing human suffering on an untold scale, in the 90s with neoliberal economic warfare and cynically maneuvering back in to promise a bandaid for the bullet wound they inflicted on Ukraine to encircle an enemy nation, is a force for good in this situation???

    You seem to simply use fascism as a synonym for bad without even understanding what it is.

    Projection for 200, Chuck. Are you implying that the American empire, currently emmiserating and genociding the 3rd world based on a white supremacist agenda, the very fucking inspiration for Hitlers lebensraum… isnt fascist???

    The “West” is a white supremacist construct too based on an alliance of colonial powers btw.

    The great irony is you’re so caught up in this baseless rhetoric believing that you’re fighting fascists that you end up supporting a textbook fascist government

    Projection for 300, Chuck! You think Russia is doing imperialist lebensraum like Germany or America before it so you project the entire bloody ideological superstructure and endgoal of the west onto it (which at least you recognize as evil) and thus somehow mental gymnasticize yourself into supporting the a war pushed by the actual set of powers who performed such imperialist ventures.

    All in all you’re conflating peace negotiations with surrender because it will “reward Russias bad behavior” (paternalistic ahistorical fascist nonsense) and therefore unironically doing a “War is peace.” Because you are a demonic warmonger who wants nothing but rivers of Slavic blood and money for Ratheon.

  • You’re not the left. The left hates you.

    Projection for $100, Chuck. We’re not the ones advocating for the global interests of white supremacist fascist nations in their genocide of the third world.

    You’re just bloodthirsty edgelords being astroturfed by Russian paid trolls.

    “ERRYONE I DONT LIKE IS M-MUH RUSSIAN BOTERINOS!!!” I hope you’re memeing because this is going into the realm of unhinged conspiracy theories otherwise.

    you just want Russia to win the war. You’re the person watching George Floyd getting choked to death here and says “well it’s his fault for resisting.”

    1. No, we don’t want there to be a fucking war in the first place, a peace deal is not a loss for either side except NATO because they don’t get to destabilize another region with a forever war like how they did with Afghanistan.

    inb4 “muh russia must b punished”!!!

    the lack of nuance you have about this situation truly reveals that you’re just a puppet mouthpiece for NATO’s fascist, warmongering propaganda to further its interests in the region through bloody conflict.

    1. The 8 year war between Russia and Ukraine (NATO) is the same as america doing systemic genocide against black people after enslaving them for over 400 years, and, even after, doing everything in their power to make the life of a black person in america a truly miserable experience, yes. What a fucking disgusting comparison and minimization of america’s evil.

    The only thing separating you from actual fascists is username pronouns.

    Imagine seething this much over pronouns lmao

    And again, how are peace talks and settling matters via negotiation being “in favor of a fascist government”? Why are you so in favor of expanding the global influence of a fascist organisation (NATO) via the continuation of the war? Why are you opposed to the people of the Donbas being free from the horrors of civil war at the hands of the Ukranian military? Did you know that the majority of people in the Donbas are ethnic russians, and are pro-separatist? Did you know that this is the reason why Ukraine started shelling the fuck out of them and decided to sic their Nazi dogs on them in 2014? Why are you in favor of continuing a bloody war when a mutually beneficial agreement for all sides, even with respect to pre war conditions, can be reached from peaceful negotiation?

    Nobody actually thinks russia is a force for good in this situation, its just that an end of hostilities for the drafting of a peace agreement is much better for the people.

  • Ukrainian people voted in favor of a western friendly government

    Your Ukranian “people”:

    (its mostly fascist paramilitaries funded by god knows who)

    Your “voting”:

    (there was no democractic referendum held to oust the president)

    Also, the west itself is a white supremacist fascist entity who went to Ukraine in 2014 to put pressure on Russia by cutting off potential allies. They are not the good guys.

    What I don’t understand, though, is why a bunch of self proclaimed communists are so in favor of expanding the global influence of a post-fascist government.

    Again, how are peace talks and settling matters via negotiation being “in favor of a fascist government”? Why are you so in favor of expanding the global influence of a fascist organisation (NATO) via the continuation of the war? Why are you opposed to the people of the Donbas being free from the horrors of civil war at the hands of the Ukranian military? Did you know that the majority of people in the Donbas are ethnic russians, and are pro-separatist? Did you know that this is the reason why Ukraine started shelling the fuck out of them and decided to sic their Nazi dogs on them in 2014? Why are you in favor of continuing a bloody war when a mutually beneficial agreement for all sides, even with respect to pre war conditions, can be reached from peaceful negotiation?

    Their wartime Z symbol is essentially a half drawn swastika, like how do you not see it?

    This is projection, the left has consistently been anti war this entire time, yet liberals are on the side of outright fascists in the ukranian military being given experimental weapons when they are not outright denying they exist.

  • No, the heads of NATO, Ukraine and Russia shouldn’t be rewarded for their acts of violence against the people of Russia and Ukraine. All sides should withdraw from the territories in which they are not welcome by the people.

    Also Russia didn’t invade Ukraine to “gain new territory”, do you know when the war started?

    (Furthermore its important to clarify that although Russia is a neoliberal hellpit, NATO, using Ukraine as a meat shield for their interests, is way, way worse, literally headed by one of the most evil countries that ever existed: the USA, as such, it is foolish to trust that anything they do in this situation will help the people of Ukraine, including dump military hardware into the region for disposal and testing)