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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2024

  • The previous person was worried that Valve wouldn’t be able to convince “a sizable chunk of users” to move to Linux because all of the software they sell is written for Windows. If we apply a little bit of critical thinking, we realize that Valve has actually already thought of this(!) and applied a different(!) solution that solves the same problem(!) without requiring “everyone to write software for something that’s not the platform nearly all users are running”. If you want to see Valve’s attempt at getting everyone to switch to Linux without using compatibility tools you should look into how successful their Steam Machine campaign was.

  • Nice, I’ll have to watch this. A quick skim through the YT comments says that it’s AMD drivers which is the only thing I could think of. Linux Mint 21 actually has an “EDGE” iso which has a newer kernel version, and Linux Mint 22 is instead going to track the latest HWE kernels, so my understanding is this type of hardware problem should be a thing of the past at least in Linux Mint’s world. I don’t know if Ubuntu has their own plans or not.

  • They’ve more or less already done that with Proton and DXVK. Nearly all Windows games “just work” on Linux without developers needing to change anything. TBH whenever big studios develop Linux versions of games they’re usually not well-done anyway; for now it’s better if people develop with their comfy Windows tools and let compatibility tools take care of the translation. When the balance shifts to Linux dominance we can start pressing on them to learn how to use Linux SDKs.

  • You keep using the word “animal”, but anthropomorphic cartoons are not real animals. Attraction to real animals is not what being a furry is. (You already know this, you are using the term in a loaded way in order to say one thing but mean another) (this unfortunately does not convince anyone).

    There’s nothing inherent to being a furry that demands a “delusional fantasy” (you would know this if you knew what furries are). You call yourself Deceptichum and have a transformers avatar - you may be at risk of being in a “delusional fantasy” if that’s how you want to classify the people with anonymous names and furry avatars!

    So where is the part where the “world is a worse place” because of furries?

  • Giving up when facing any opposition seems like you never really intended on improving your worldview. You just want to be hateful of things that you don’t understand. The irony of you thinking that those who oppose the LGBT are any different is not lost on me. It’s easy to punch down on things that you don’t personally like, but those are real people that you’re targeting with your malice. I’m not a furry, but I am gay, and as an LGBT member yourself you should understand the power of being an ally to a minority that often gets painted in a bad light. Doubly so when ~80% of furries are LGBTQIA+ in the first place; it’s an LGBT subculture.

  • Unhealthy designated by you, the puritan police? Do you know that the anti-LGBT people also consider being gay unhealthy? They’re drawing the line in a different place, but still playing the same role you are. Would you recommend shock therapy for furries, or is that just a cure for being gay? If you’re so concerned with how the furry fandom works you should maybe actually research your bigotry and learn that it’s massive, and no two furries express themselves in the same way. Many do not have overlapping interests at all. You are on the fediverse, so I’d suggest you get comfortable with the idea that people are allowed to exist without your permission.

  • Did you watch the video before disagreeing with it? We’ve had the concept of clickbait titles for quite a while now, so it would be silly if someone still hasn’t realized how they work. It unsurprisingly does not say that furry porn is objectively “hotter”, but moreso that it’s objectively healthier, for both participants and emotional state. There are lessons to learn by comparison and study, instead of sticking our heads in the sand and pretending that there are no problems with the porn industry.

  • “Escape hatch” specifically refers to the speculation that Valve is positioning themselves in a way that they can’t be forced into paying fees for existing on the Windows platform, and that if push comes to shove they can say they only support Linux now. This hasn’t happened yet, but it’s a strategic stance which will likely prevent it from even beginning to happen. This doesn’t have to do with the Steam Deck specifically; it was also part of their intentions with the Steam Machine and etc.

  • Maybe it needs to be more obvious that there are many ways to do things in Linux, and give new users a short “learning to learn” primer on how things operate differently in Linux-land, and where/how to look online for help. There are always first-boot popups but I imagine most people are conditioned to click out of them without even reading; forcing people to confirm a couple times that they want to skip “very helpful reading” may cut down on people that play the search engine lottery on what information they use for their first steps.

    Also semi-related, I hope that mainstream Linux eventually “un-stupids” computers for regular people again. I get the distinct feeling that Microsoft and Apple have, at least somewhat intentionally, imposed ‘learned helplessness’ onto average computer users. “Oh computers are magic no one knows how they work. We are the only wizards that could possibly understand them and we will sell you the solution.” Windows/OSX/iOS/etc are so locked down that people have rightfully learned over time that if they run into a problem, there really is no solution. I suspect that’s permeating into the new user experience on Linux where people will encounter one problem and throw their hands up and say “fucking computers” instead of using basic problem solving to try another approach.

  • Their rough new user experience is concerning though. From what they described I suspect many of their “problems” are not actually “real”, but it doesn’t really matter because they still ended up in a scenario where they thought there were problems. How did they end up thinking that everything must be done with terminal while using Ubuntu? I know in the last ~10 years there’s been a big focus on the new user experience, so what more can be done to prevent this? My gut says there are too many online resources that are confusing new users when they try to onboard themselves - especially resources that are old, written for other distros, or written for people who just want to find the command they can copy-paste to do something.

  • Gaming has been the only pathway to mainstream desktop since forever. I’ve been around for a hot minute and I remember that consistently, the “real Linux users” for years repeated “we don’t need gaming this is an adult OS go back to Windows and play with your toys” and then turned around and whined that no one wanted to use desktop Linux. Valve stepped in and casually created the year of the Linux desktop as a side-effect of just wanting an escape hatch for their business model. Now the casuals and elitists alike will have a better experience via the magic of Marketshare, and all it really took is not listening to people that don’t know what’s good for them.