Josh Hawley truly is an ingrown asshair of a human being. May he be treated with the same compassion and fairness that he treats others.
Josh Hawley truly is an ingrown asshair of a human being. May he be treated with the same compassion and fairness that he treats others.
I prefer to believe that he unremembers, continues attempting, and proceeds to plagiarize himself
That’d be season 3-4 of last week tonight. They have been gradually posting all of the full length episodes on the LWT YouTube account for the last few months if you’d like to watch John Oliver slowly descend into madness. It’s amazing how similar the early stories are, despite the show being out for so long.
“trust me, we know a thing or two about terrorism”
You’re out of your fucking mind, homie. Good luck with all of that 😂😂😂
I love regurgitated right wing conspiracy garbage in my world news feed! Thanks! Hope you grow some self awareness some day!
If they can trash home, they can trash it here.
Definitely not xenophobic
I’m pretty sure that they actually have it plugged into a Clapper. 👏👏
That is completely irrelevant to the two questions i asked you.
That’s absurdly vague. What countries and communities have been trashed by immigrants, specifically? And define “3rd world”, because i have a sneaking suspicion that you’re just using it as an euphemism for “any place that isn’t predominantly rich and white”.
We aren’t friends, don’t pretend to be taking the high road when you’re just being xenophobic with nothing to back it up. If you don’t have the time, why are you responding to so many comments?
Braindead take, glad I got to see it before you delete it again like a coward.
No no no, you’re thinking about Nine Inch Nails. Rage Against the Machine is about a woman named Allison being held against her will
I feel like most points against you have been pretty adequately addressed by other posters except one. Why ignore punctuation and capitalization, but still take the time to double return your sentences? If you’re breaking grammar rules to be edgy, why make your comment readable at all? Just throw it all together in one long ass sentence. It would save you precious milliseconds that could be better used attempting to elaborate on your completely asinine takes :)
Weak troll 0.5/10
Up next: hydrogen and oxygen will both be present at debate. Will they put their differences aside?
It doesn’t even make sense. Like, if you’re here illegally, why would you bring an absurd amount of attention to yourself by stealing and eating someone’s pet? Beyond that, who would believe for a single second that the social media and mainstream media outrage machines wouldn’t start blasting that story non-stop? It never ceases to amaze me that the bar for GOP politicians has dropped so low that this is their pick. It’s just fucking weird.
Not to be that guy, but that’s an Amazon package tracker. I demand accuracy for my shitposts.