Dang it, now I need an MP3 editor for my Chromebook. Thanks!
Dang it, now I need an MP3 editor for my Chromebook. Thanks!
Where can I get Moopsy as a ringtone for my phone?
So, like, Prodigy? No? Then fail. If I’m gonna pay for a streaming service, just for Star Trek, which I am entirely willing to do, but it darn well better have all of it. Take my money, but earn it!
TOS - Balance Of Terror, 12 plays TAS - Mudd’s Passion, 7 plays TNG - The Chase, 22 plays DS9 - The Ascent, 33 plays VOY - One, 27 plays ENT - The Catwalk, 11 plays (wtf?) DIS - The Wolf Inside, 19 plays LDS - No Small Parts, 20 plays PRO - Terror Firma, 5 plays PIC - All of season 1, 5 plays SNW - Ghosts of Illyria, 3 plays
I feel like LCARS would work here. I can picture it in my mind but I have no aptitude with graphics programs.
edit: https://prnt.sc/Qd-GDs3UlhUS See, I suck at graphics.
Reminds me of the original series, cancelled right before they started tracking demographics, only to realize it was hitting all the right buttons and they’d killed the golden goose.
Lemmy.ca has it. It used to be called wefwef.
Is there an LCARS theme for Lemmy? I saw another instance running the Voyager theme and it got me thinking…
Holy smokes, I can’t believe how awesome that thing was that I just watched. I’m awestruck at the talent it must have taken to pull it off so perfectly.
Did she leave that gun with that little boy?
First season set in 2164. Episodes include depicting the events I linked. Second season in 2165, same deal, depict all these events plus whatever new stuff the writers dream up. By filling in existing canon, half the seasons stories become really easy to break, saving time and money, and people who respect canon will have nothing to complain about. Ten year time jump explains why the actors look older. The only problem is no Trip, but he can easily cameo in a dream story or an alternate timeline, heck they could even Harry Kim him back to life.
edit: added bonus, there’s an opportunity to retcon and apologize for Code Of Honor.
Any chance for a ShittyDaystrom? I don’t want to mod it (I’m a terrible mod) but I sure would love to shitpost there.
edit: seems like the only active mod on ShittyDaystrom on Reddit has ran a script to edit all their old comments, and Reddit suspended them for it. The sub on Reddit appears to be running fine with no mods. I think it would be a fine candidate for creating a community here, the people in the Reddit sub are happily shitposting Star Trek memes with no active mods at all. If someone who is not a terrible mod, like myself, would like to take it on, I seriously doubt it will be much work.
Now my phone is complete! TYSM!