TreadOnMe [none/use name]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020


  • Idk, it’s mostly just knowing about Heaven’s Gate and their idiosyncratic pop culture use, with abit of internet slang. It’s just three layers of pop culture, and one layer of UFO death cult culture. I guess I’m so used to it I barely even register it as sub-text. Yikes.

    But also, haven’t read this one before! Yet another fascinating BMF point, though one I have heard expressed before.

  • Yeah, there are a million lib essays on fascism that don’t understand that there is a material root to fascism and it’s contradictions. They get so caught up on ‘authoritarianism’ usually though, and get into comparing Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler, which gets them way off course.

    The real key as well, imo, is to study the rise of Japanese fascism, because it mirrors the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany, but it does it without having a singular massive ‘authoritarian’ leader (because that is not how the histories of Asian people are written in the West). It’s a little different because it was a continuation of the Imperial system, but you will notice that, for the most part, the Emperor himself was not a singular driving force, but that it was a collective emerging capitalist/noble class decision. It really drives home the idea that fascism is just when you are on the pointy end of capitalism.

  • We are already at ‘post-scarcity’. What we are suffering from is a distribution and management issue. We let the ‘free market’ (a.k.a. trillions of dollars of fruitless, wasted, advertising spending) dictate our distribution, and ah damn, it looks like areas that don’t have as much money don’t spend as much money, better not increase investment there, unless it is for a product that richer people can buy.

    Robots nor AI, nor any technology can solve this fundamental contradiction that exists within the capitalist political-economy, and it will stifle productive local growth, and kill equitable distribution of resources world-wide until it is solved.

  • She is an activist NGO lobbyist, who seems to focus on abolition of prison for victims of abuse that kill or hurt their abusers. Mostly she seems to publish books and participate in education efforts.

    I’m sure that she has been called ‘performative’ by newer, more radicalized, people in the prison abolition movement, who may or may not be extremely online. If this criticism of her is fair or in bad faith, idk, I don’t know enough about her or her organization. There is ‘performance’ in writing or education, but it is more about whether this ‘performance’ benefits her more than the people she is trying to help.

    For example, I have done volunteer work for several ‘charity’ organizations that spend all of their time and money polling the community about ‘what do you think should be done in the community’, but never actually get around to actually doing anything for the community. While it isn’t on the surface ‘performative’, it becomes ‘performative’ with the lack of funds to follow-up those polls, and the fact that round after round of these polls seem to be done with no real coordination between groups with similar interests. The same could be said for this organization, but I don’t know enough about them.

    Whatever has happened, true or not, online or not, has clearly melted her brain.

  • Without specifics, there is nothing more I can really say. Any mistakes the Soviets made were made after the historical pressure of a long, bloody, civil war with it’s fair share of foreign interventions. Pardon me if I don’t trust the Monday morning quarter-backing of westerners three generations later. The spd did what they did, they sullied their hands and chose to ally with reactionary violence. Perhaps they would do differently in a colonial national liberation setting, but trusting soc-dems to overturn the imperial state for worker’s emancipation is a fool’s game. They will never do it, and they will call you a red authoritarian while you are being beaten by the cops.

    There is genuinely no singularly better book to understand the nature of fascism and how it historically develops within a country, and is facilitated and aided by liberals than Blackshirts and Reds.

    If they have only two historical criticisms, one of which has very little to do with the entire argument in light of other historical evidence, and another one that is ‘Waaaaah he wasn’t sufficiently mean to the USSR.’ then I consider that peanuts, considering how generally completely fucked liberal history is over these events.

    Edit: It sounds like you are talking to people who seem to think that western communists are in any kind of position similar to the kpd, spd and Soviets, as if there is really a lesson to be learned here for our time. There isn’t. Our soc-dems are even more reactionary than the spd were, our communists weaker and more fractured, and there is no one who has actually done the thing to even write to for advice. Why collaborate with those who don’t share your principles when it doesn’t matter anyways? Compromise only when there is actually something you think you can materially get done. Volunteer, help the unhoused, etc. But there is no reason to politically support the soc-dems in the imperial core, now more than ever. They will be running dogs.

  • I’m not sure what the question is here.

    The Soviets did tell the kpd to be hostile (as in not to trust them with internal matters) with the spd because the spd had a really bad habit of not policing or purging ideas of german national socialism from their ranks, because the soc-dems thought that they were the true ‘national socialists’ (aside from the fact that the bosheviks had really bad experiences with their soc-dems collaborating with foreign governments, so has no reason to tell the german communists to trust them). You see the problem here. And ultimately, when push came to shove and there was a chance for an internationalist revolutionary movement, the spd aided the fascists in their purge. The spd traded the lives of the German communists for a few more years of liberal government. And perhaps you cannot blame them, after-all nobody wants to be caught up in a revolutionary purge. But history shows that the soc-dems get purged all the same, and ultimately stand for none of the values they claim to because they are unable to comprehend that there is such a thing as positive revolutionary violence, they only believe in reactionary, suppressive, violence. I highly doubt it would have gone down any differently even if the kpd and the spd were on friendly terms, if anything it might have gotten crushed earlier because the spd would have likely immediately ratted them out to the government.

    As for the bombings, I’m not sure as to the historical veracity, but I don’t think it matters if it didn’t happen exactly as Parenti describes it or at all. American industrial ties with the Nazis is incredibly well documented, and the Nazi rehabilitation and American financial prop-up of Nazi-owned Western Germany companies post-war is well-documented. Perhaps it is ‘not that deep’, but then it is an inch deep and a hundred miles wide.

    Edit: To editorialize abit, soc-dems believe that the communists ‘gave the fascists an excuse to coup the government’. This is ridiculous, liberal, thinking. Fascists don’t need an actual reason to coup the government, they will literally manufacture one out of thin air. They literally try to do it constantly, and fail when you don’t believe a word that comes out do their lying little mouths. Perhaps you could argue that the kpd suffered from ‘vanguardism’ and were too far ahead of where the German public was, but their writing’s at the time indicated that they were worried about how close the fascists, liberals and conservatives were getting, and thought that they needed to revolt before they were politically outlawed. They overplayed their hand, but in all likelihood they would have never won at the table anyways. Neither could the soc-dems. And the saddest part is that history has vindicated the worst case of what the german communists thought would happen.

  • Trump was the best thing for leftists in the U.S. because it got a bunch of on-the-fence libs to wake up and smell the coffee in a way that never happened in my lifetime, even under Bush.

    Now a lot of those libs have gone back to sleep with Biden, but Biden is basically playing the Obama playbook with only a tenth of the charisma and it isn’t working. Even my dyed-in-the-wool Democrat mother just recently admitted to me that she doesn’t see much of a difference between Biden and Trump politically but she can’t stand Trump (which is fair, she doesn’t find him as tragically comedic as I do). I told her to vote however she wants, cause it genuinely doesn’t matter, but if she wants to signal displeasure she should vote third party.

    To the OP’s point, Trump would be just as bad, if not worse than Biden on Israel. But that is because those decisions are not made by the president, we don’t actually get to vote on policy in this country.