ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]

death to amerika, communism will win

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 20th, 2022


  • a president who opposed the rightward shift would have pushed court stacking and added justices until RvW was safe. or pushed a bill codifying abortion rights. dems had a voting majority in both houses and any dem who didnt vote for it would be giving up their reelection chance. ofc the rotating villain would vote against it and just take a high paying private sector job when their term ends.

    the role of dems is to slow or stop leftward momentum by doing nothing so that the republicans can take over and move the country rightward. the overton window means nothing when regular citizens have no say in politics and can only vote for the mean fascist or the nice fascist. the overton window is meaningful if it is far left enough to push ppl into revolutionary action.

    and, once again, stop strawmanning, nobody here is advocating for voting for trump. also, trump in office does not push the overton window right. it empowers the most rabid americans and would increase violence against the left, but that is going to happen under biden anyways with the right leaning state and municipal governments

  • i was like 12 and we were on a family vacation and i decided to climb this waterfall for some reason. it was at least 20 feet high. when I was like a foot from the top, i slipped and started to fall, but i suddenly stopped falling and looked up to see my dad holding me by the straps of my life jacket. my dad saw me when i was close to the top and walked to the top (there were stairs) in case i fell. that would have been like falling out a second story window and could’ve easily been fatal or very badly injurious, especially since id fall right on a rock surface. im still impressed by my dads parental sixth sense