Since he loves his hamburders so much let’s hope he gets all the onions.
Since he loves his hamburders so much let’s hope he gets all the onions.
Leeloo Dallas multipass
We need to deport him and seize his assets.
I have nothing to say other than Elon is a dipshit. Pass it on.
Any idea which pub this is? Next time I visit family there I’d love to go.
First they blow up the place, flatten it, and then build their vacation homes on top of the people they killed.
Sounds like a game of Dungeons and White Dudes.
And if that doesn’t work, burn down the toilet.
Every blyat and zasranets will.
Another psycho in a metal box. Road rage is such a problem. I hope the driver goes to jail, and never holds a license again. If you can’t control your emotions, you shouldn’t operate heavy machinery. Also, fuck car-brains.
I’ll participate.
The ball is silver colored/metallic, grapefruit size. A man resembling my partner pushed the ball. The table is a plain square wooden shaker-style.
I began imagining as soon as I started reading, with each additional word adding detail in my mind. By the time I got to the questions it was easy to answer them.
I’m wondering if I should make a few separate posts about these, but for now let me tell you about the stripper/prostitute; we’ll call her Ana.
I’ll begin by describing this apartment. When you opened the front door you saw a long wood floor hallway. Every door was on the right. First there was a bedroom, then the bathroom, another bedroom, then the kitchen, another bedroom, and my room was at the end. No living room whatsoever.
When Ana was moving in she only had a few pieces of luggage. I invited her to my room to get to know her, offering to make her some tea. She accepted and while she’s telling me how she works at a strip club near midtown she’s eyeing up my room. Pretty quickly she notices one of my windows has a fire escape; the window facing the front of the building. It’s spring so the window is open. To her that was an invitation. She climbed out and started yelling down at the passersby while twerking. At this point I got a good look at her body; I mean it’s not like I didn’t notice she was curvy before, but now I could clearly see the butt implants. I started to put two and two together. After wrangling her back inside, I diplomatically moved us to the kitchen.
Later that week, early one morning, I heard screaming down the hall, but an unfamiliar man’s voice. Apparently she brought a “client from the strip club” home. Guess he wanted a little extra that morning without having paid. Ana pepper sprayed him as he retreated into the hall, and the first person to run out to the commotion was the French girl. She got pepper sprayed inadvertently. The guy quickly left, the girls got into an argument, and me and the rest of the residents stayed in our rooms until it became dead quiet. Ana was gone next month.
I’m at work now, but I’m happy to share later. There was a Kazakh family (new immigrants), a Syrian guy (there for medical school), a “stripper” with a large butt implant (on paper, but really she was a prostitute; not judging), an Italian guy (graphic design exchange student), and more. Usually every few months there would be a new flatmate.
All to say the apartment was definitely illegal, but I was young and couldn’t afford much.
No lie, about a decade ago I rented a room in a long-term AirBnB in NYC where the other 3 rooms were also rented out (so no choice in flatmates; shit was wild). One of the other rooms was rented by this 30-yo French girl from Paris who moved there to follow an ex-bf. Off the bat she was weird; she only ever cooked pan seared liver, toast, or white rice while talking about how she planned on getting this guy back. She would also always argue in French with the Belgian dude who was also renting a room while finishing his masters. Anyway, the kitchen was minimally stocked, so I bought an extra pot, pan, and a toaster oven. She would use the toaster oven but left plastic bags of bread on top, so it melted and ruined the toaster. She also burned rice into the supplied pot every day. It got so damaged after only a few weeks that I had to hide my pot from her, as she systematically destroyed every other piece of kitchen equipment and tried to move onto my personal belongings.
I have several stories from that AirBnB alone. Weirdest 10 months of my life.
Hilarious. Elon sucks.
How else are they supposed to land grab for future seaside vacation homes?
Smack the like button like your parents smacked you.
You don’t frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person!
He had concepts of a repeal.