• 11 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023

  • They call that Lordosis and I’ve only ever seen it happen when I showed one of the females my dual sli GTX 1080ti setup while benchmarking in Heaven. Getting her off my desk with her ass in the air is a pain but she apparently likes my hand going down her back and her ass patted. Getting her off my keyboard when I’m in the middle of a game can be a real pain sometimes…

  • 1 AI search uses the equivalent of 10 google searches…

    Just imagine how much power you’re using up browsing the web lol.

    AI is not making or breaking power grids, water sources, or any other bullshit alarmist prop you’re peddling like AI isn’t being used all over from image generation, checking your shitty grammar, or saving us all time from writing bullshit proper emails every day.

    LLMs are 5 tits of awesome that I’ll be suckling on every chance I get.

  • Smoke alarms are supposed.to be replaced every ~10 years. If it’s changed colors you need a new one.

    Drop ceilings can also cause this. If the entryway to your kitchen has a dip down then it keeps all the smoke and moisture.in the kitchen rAther than dissipating.

    Either move the detector to the other side of the dip or buy a new one and it’ll let you get a few more years off one super sensitive like that.

    Clean them with canned air spray, a vacuum, or electric duster as well. Dirt already trapped inside can make it already sensitive.