blashork [she/her]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2022


  • IMO you’re thinking about this the wrong way. Some time I’m going to write a very long post about my experiences being raised in an orthodox zionist family, and my rejection of this. But for now:

    It isn’t a life boat, it’s a middle class economic ladder for middle class goals that are now much harder to achieve inside the imperial core. I know a lot of people who have gone off to isntreal. Many of them went to either work directly in the military industrial complex, or on the religiotech bubble on top of the MIC. We didn’t face real antisemitism in the place we grew up, just anti-zionism that was spun as antisemitism. There were entire jewish focused schools in the area that had educated multiple genrations of jewish students. There were streets named after the lubavitcher rebbe and his movement. I walked by 4 other shuls every saturday to get to my shul.

    For most of the people who go to iSSrael, it’s pure economic opportunity. Cushier job and better pay than they would get from the MIC here. They have to create this collective phantasm to justify their hatred, so they can go off and murder children to steal land.

    For me, I stopped believing in this shit and managed to grow a soul. I couldn’t tell you how to force that on others, but I can say that switching from private to public schooling and being exposed to more people really broadened my horizons enough to shatter the zionist programming. You can’t do that for someone who doesn’t want to know better.

    I truly hate isntreal, free palestine.

  • By who’s estimation? I remember a podcast I used to like, reply all, pretty lib looking back on it, and not even getting into all the shit that went down since then. But there were some parts of the episode ‘the crime machine’ that really really stuck with me. Chief among them was about how fake police crime statistics are. Material conditions are always getting worse, but somehow, someway, crime is always falling. I can’t remember the exact quote, but there was a point were the main subject of the episode was trying to explain ‘crime goes down, arrests go down’ and was answered with ‘crime goes down, arrests go up’. Crime has not been falling and falling, never once deviating. What is considered a crime, how it is reported, who reports it, all of this makes a difference in tracking. Unless you live in an AES country, you’ll never know the truth about the actual, statistical, state of crime.

    If you remember anything, remember this: “any police department that tells you crime has, without deviation, been falling for 30 years, they are compeletely full of shit”

    don’t take their words at face value