• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • It’s almost as if the generation that taught us to “decide with your heart”, “do what you love”, “you can be everything you dream of”, etc.etc. has suddenly decided to focus and rule the world by irrelevant talking points instead of staying true to their own beliefs and teaching.

    I hope that whatever happens in the next decade at the dying breath of that generation will not set the precedent for following inhabitants of this planet. I, being gen-x, am doing as much as I can to enable people to younger than me to have better opportunities than I ever had. (Union stuff.)

    The difference being that I acknowledge that younger people are more capable. My parents generation never understood that. They still cling to the belief that age equals wisdom. Maybe their parents taught them that. There is some truth to it, but he cutting point is a lot lower than they believe. The peak of capability is probably closer to 25 than 80…

  • I doubt they do it just to scare employees. It’s way too expensive to use this tactic without having any real savings to show.

    It’s probably more likely that HR is keeping HR busy, because what else are they supposed to do when the company isn’t hiring? The explanation that it supposedly keeps employees in check seems like something HR would say to justify their own purpose.

    Any (reasonable) CEO would absolutely take thee easy and actual savings of firing the HR instead of paying them to use this unproven pseudo-tactic.

  • Tak for tippet. Jeg håber på at finde tid til det i løbet af sommeren.

    Ideen med skruer er god, og det skal jeg lige overveje hvis det synker for meget. Tør blanding er også smart. Jeg skal nok bare have lidt tålmodighed med at lave den.

    Jeg vælger en lidt grovere mørtel til at starte med. Strandsand+cement bliver nok for tynd til de grove udkast, og det giver alligevel det samme blandingsforhold. Det er billigt , men i så små mængder gør prisen ingen forskel.

    Til finpudsning vælger jeg også den nemme løsning med en færdiglavet finspartel. Det har jeg har held med før i samme etage.

    Resten af kælderen er malet med en struktur-maling, men jeg tror egentlig ikke jeg vil gøre det hér. Det må lige stå som det er, indtil jeg finder ud af om jeg gider spartle resten af rummet.

    Huset er fra 1920 og kældervæggene og loft var oprindeligt kalkede, men med al respekt for for det oprindelige byggeri, så er det ikke noget jeg vil gøre indendørs. De tidligere ejere har lappet med alle mulige andre materialer igennem årene så det er en uskøn blanding.

  • Hvordan ser det ud på Feddit.dk? Bruger I museer?

    Ja, men det er mest som familieaktivitet og ferieunderholdning til børnene.

    Jeg gad egentlig godt at museer blev lidt mere hardcore mht. til at udstille den enorme viden som ligger bag udstillingerne. Det bliver ofte en lidt tynd omgang, hvor de har forsøgt at lave interaktive udstillinger eller oplevelser med lydfortællinger som er drønende kedelige og samtidig så overfladiske at man intet lærer. Jeg føler lidt at jeg kommer på skoleudflugt når jeg går ind i et museum. Det er selvfølgelig fint at man kan nå at se det hele på et par timer, men der mangler mulighed for at gå lidt dybere, hvis jeg skulle have lyst til at komme oftere og i længere tid.

  • I think any aliens advanced enough to visit Earth would probably understand it.

    Whether it’s horror movies or extreme sports, it is some kind of play, which is about creating a safe or controlled environment to explore things that either isn’t really happening (horror movies) or things that haven’t been tried before (extreme sports).

    A lot of extreme sports are actually relatively safe because it’s done by individuals in highly controlled environments. Statistically it’s a lot more dangerous to participate in other sports or everyday activities where there’s a larger risk from other participants or things that are unpredictable. Things like horse riding, traffic and trampolines are more dangerous because they’re more unpredictable. The consequences might be worse if it fails thoughm, making it “extreme”.

    Travelling through space to explore inhabited planets absolutely requires the same kind of desire and process of safely testing out things that are potentially dangerous.

  • I’ve seen the same kind of visualization made from different sources before showing the same point. There is really nothing shocking or unbelievable in the picture?

    It’s fine to be sceptical because it is an estimate. However it is a qualified estimate. Read more from the source: https://www.prb.org/articles/how-many-people-have-ever-lived-on-earth/

    If you have a better way of estimating the figure, I’m sure they would be all ears.

    I do remember reading school books and science articles 30-40 years ago and the estimates then were different, but that’s just how science works.

    Again it’s fine to be sceptical, but unless you can provide an alternative figure with better documentation, I really don’t understand why you’re encouraging people to be sceptical.

    It’s almost as if you seem to have different motive, so I have decided to doubt your scepticism.

  • bstix@feddit.dktoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlWhy Tire Companies Love EVs
    6 days ago

    That’s pretty much the point. We could’ve had vehicles that could drive over rough ground, but they opted to make flat roads and rubber tires, both of which are causing issues environmentally and congestion.

    My whole thought experiment is : If you were to settle a brand new world, would you repeat the concept of roads and rubber tires?