Profile by artisticside(, Instagram:@artisticsideoflife_)

Banner by Elena_Medvedeva(, Website:

  • 5 Posts
Joined 10 个月前
Cake day: 2023年11月25日


  • What is a phobia of spots?

    like if there are too many spots on thing, it freaks me out. The phobia itself has a name but i never remember it

    Why are you terrified of them

    idk, just something i had for a while now

    How is that relevant to rain?

    its not , just want to add it as its also feels overstimulating

    wait, aren’t you on Lemmy Autism, shouldn’t you know this staff

  • It took me three tried to read your entire comment, but I did it

    yea thats my fault, given the subject at hand. Ironically, i wanted to write more but got crambs so i had to stop. The take away here, is that its a complicated issue and to go easy on yourself, we are all in this together.

    One more thing, actually two. Another contributing factor can be ADHD too, maybe thats something you would wanna look into, which lets to my other point, I have ADHD and MDD(Maladaptive daydreaming disorder, which insnt yet official). Iam not officially diagnosed with either due to financial reasons,the state of psychology in my country and other stuff. But i have know for a few years now and mostly made peace with it.

    I am never gonna drive a car, noone in life acceptance this or doesn’t take me seriously, but i made my decision. I am a danger to myself and other. I daydream in the bus, alot of the times in the middle of walking in a rood, thankfully nothing happened but i take precautions now and one of them is not driving

    I am not saying you should give up driving if you want to drive, but to set boundaries for yourself and others, for example when going on an important trip even if its 10 min bus, i will take a taxi its less stressful for me, having to try to keep my attention on the stops. Little stuff like that can help