came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]

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Attention Kmart Shoppers…
The maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry.

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2020


  • yeah, that shit was wack. what a blackpilled, gleefully nihilistic answer to a softball question that i did not expect when i saw it.

    how hard is to say, “we talked afterward and had a reconciliation over our differences. we decided our experiences could make us a good team [blah blah blah]”. instead of blurting out “i have no values, you simple-minded child! HAHAHAHA”.

    i kinda get the impression that when this issue (“just said biden was a segregationist on live TV to massive applause and i’m a POC woman… how do i now join his team as his subordinate?”) was pitched around her room of handlers and fixers, they dismissed it as, “just a debate”. and rather than figure out the public messaging script, the dismissal was all that was rattling around in her xanax brain.

  • lol, i am in my 40s and i get ASMR. big time. i remember stumbling across a community a long time ago and immediately recognizing the fumbling attempts to describe the sensation, because it’s not universal and i had once tried to explain it before as a teenager and failed, embarrassingly. also, some people have certain “triggers” that others don’t, or are less reliable. and sometimes the triggers are less about the action and more about the memory connecting to an earlier experience.

    in those early days it was about finding/sharing videos online that gave the sensitive viewer the sensation… which is sort of like transfixing or mesmerizing. my first experience that i recall was IRL as a 1st grader when my desk neighbor was explaining a math problem to me that i already understood. just sort of quietly talking while tapping / scratching their pencil lightly. it was like being caught in something, but pleasant. another time IRL i was in a meeting with this guy who was like late 50s and he had this meandering style of speech with a low voice. same deal, i was just kind of there, locked in, and could have listened to him prattle on about literally nothing of consequence for hours. i could snap out of it, but i could feel myself not wanting to, even though the meeting was a huge waste of my time lol. i also remember getting it from watching some public access channel as a kid for a show where they did algebra on a whiteboard for some local community college. and one where they taught conversational french that was recorded in the early 80s, when they would go over conjugation. super-chouette!

    the way the phenomenon has exploded i attribute to monetization, because in those early days of people looking for videos they were all these like random clips of unintentional stuff. like a guy demonstrating a suit fitting, or a transferred VHS recorded lecture on body posture. so like some youtube channel for a very niche audience would have like 15-50 views on their dozen or so videos and then one that would have like 3.2 million views lmao. and frankly, if i just search ASMR on youtube, like >95% of the content is way off the mark. like annoying, weird etc. some up close face making mouth sounds.

    it’s really only probably something like 1% that hits it, and usually it’s not content that is made to produce ASMR. this has been recognized broadly by us ASMR enjoyers and there are entire communities that chase and curate collections of “unintentional ASMR”, which honestly has a better track record in my experience.

    though, there are exceptions: content makers who seem to know they are giving off the whammy and how they are doing it, but they tend to be associated with the “fascination” and “mesmerism” community which is more adjacent to weird hypnotist stuff and those grifts.

  • Dal. though the word is used in multiple contexts. it’s a lentil or legume based curry, crazy versatile. scoop with naan (the easiest and fastest of all breads) or serve with rice.

    I started with red lentils (Masoor Dal) because they are basically peeled brown lentils so they prepare quickly when starting from dry. dry lentils are CHEAP. my Masoor dal recipe is tomatoes, onions, garlic, ginger, some cumin seeds, ground tumeric, coriander powder, red chili powder. a little lime juice and garam masala at the end. it’s tastes exciting and feels rich/hearty without slowing you down.

    if you are looking for ideas/inspiration on making the wide world of lentils/legumes exciting, I recommend the “660 Curries” book by Raghavan Iyer, which I endorse for anyone who wants to have a tremendous and straight forward reference on South Asian cooking, using/unlocking many, many spices.

    this is the book which taught me that “curry” means “sauce” basically, and they can be all over the place, flavor and spice wise.

  • when it comes to climate refugee stuff, I think the “normalcy” of so many climate controlled spaces and the availability of drinking water being so common gives people the false impression that depopulation due to climate change will be like it was with deindustrialization: slow, calculated, etc.

    they don’t recognize that capital is trying to maximize its value extraction right up until the moment when they dissolve organizations and electronically transfer out funds. they think someone will pull the alarm cord and there will be an exodus to a preplanned location in an orderly fashion.

    they don’t picture turning on the sink faucet and nothing potable coming out, driving to the Walmart and finding the shelves of water empty. preparing to get on the road to drive somewhere else, only to find the gas stations with 4 hour long lines and no guarantees.

    I’ve tried to tell friends and family how important it is to get out of fragile places. I say, “when is the best time to leave? are the roads clear and gas stations open? then right now.”

    but people get comfortable in their routines and believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, that someone in charge will tell them when it’s time. they think leaving sometime in the unscheduled future will somehow be easier than the present.

  • there is no one “after biden”. all hope is hung on this man, the most progressive force in american politics since Franklin Delveccio Roosevelt. or is he the most imperialist, racist force in american politics since Theodore Roosevelt? i can’t remember, but facts don’t matter. what matters is that this is the last election america will ever have, because if Trump wins it’s all over. for everyone. Trump will launch the space nukes to every corner of the galaxy and destroy everything that could have ever been imagined over an infinite timeline. including God. Trump will kill God. and most importantly, brunch. so press 30330 to give $3 to Team Biden and don’t forget you can win big at

    so vote

    ps - i have no idea. in 2016, hedges said in some interview that the Democratic party would rally around the conservative candidate and use the corrupt party mechanisms to kill the youthful, engaged energy around Sanders, the closest thing it had to an insurgent populist movement. this backroom dealing would lead to a profound disillusionment among many of the politically-engaged people who would have made up the future base of the party. the loss of this bloc would create a fatal wound in the party itself.

    i think that’s what we’re seeing. the party is a corpse that is twitching on the slab and no amount of threatening, scolding, pomp, or pageantry seems capable of making young people give a shit. no one wants to be a labor-oriented, populist reform candidate, because the party bosses have shown they will scorch the earth to cut them down, so all we get are people in thrall to capital formations selected by the weird focus group/consultant-driven court intrigue of party elites and major donors. and those people don’t want to put up names until there’s a good chance of Return on Investment. so its just going to be one brushed and polished coward after another, pulled from a hat at the last minute and dumped on a saddle in the horse race. name TBD.

  • i was thinking about L O S T recently. like giving it another spin here 15 years later. it really was some different shit when it came out and it was wild that it was on ABC, which had been phoning it in for years at that point with the most insipid drivel. i mean, all broadcast TV was shit, but ABC was the worst.

    i remember being in my early 20s and some friend being like, “dude you guys gotta come over and watch the first episode of this show, it’s crazy.” we were like, “yeah right” but went anyway on a goof. anyway, it totally got its hooks in. they really had the formula for creating intrigue and confused tension. not to mention, the cinematic production, which was more akin to the one or two high budget HBO series that happened every few years.

  • The Federal Reserve held interest rates steady on Wednesday and pushed out the start of rate cuts to perhaps as late as December as policymakers sketched out their view of an economy that remains virtually unchanged across its major dimensions for years to come. With growth and unemployment lodged at levels better than the U.S. central bank considers sustainable in the long run, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said policymakers were content to leave rates where they are until the economy sends a clear signal that something else is needed - through either a more convincing decline in price pressures or a jump in the unemployment rate.

    luv 2 have an economy run entirely by “unemployment rate” and “inflation rate”, two rigged indicators.

  • for real. I thought it had to be a distortion. the wiki on danish cuisine is brutal though:

    Historian Søren Mørch has characterized the Danish cuisine as a “garbage kitchen” of insipid, sweet and unspiced “baby food” where the tastes of milk and sweetness form the key elements. He believes that it arose because the export policy of the Danish food sector was to use the Danish home market as a “gutter” for left-over products, after high-quality bacon and butter had been sold abroad. Skimmed milk, meat scraps only suitable for chopping up, and the replacement product margarine are all products which Søren Mørch describes as residue products.