charly4994 [she/her, comrade/them]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I have very little hope for this actually being any good. Studios are made of people that make games and the people that were around to make the previous titles really aren’t around any more. The spotlight of Inquisition for me was the excellent weaving of previous world building into the current plot in a way that felt organic and exciting. Now after going through the nightmare of Anthem and then clearly some development hell with this game I have to wonder how many people ended up sticking around and how that will reflect on the final product.

    The stories I’ve read on how Arkane lost a lot of talent often line up with how Bioware has gone. Making a game in a genre the team wasn’t interested in with an overall goal to just make more money jumping in on a live service which led to major staff departures means that even should they try again, the studio isn’t made of the same people anymore and that expecting another great game is shaky at best and should be approached with at least some realism.

    I want it to be good because I’ve enjoyed the series but it’s been 9 years since the last game and the people that made that game good did it despite everything. When they put out cinematic trailers and in-engine screenshots not even 6 months before the announced release, I’m left wondering why they can’t show actual stuff from the game. They should be done with the most major systems by now, environments should be made. I’ve seen this song and dance one too many times in the games industry and until I see people actually playing it I’ll temper my expectations.

  • I hate those N95s, the straps are uncovered and they tangle and rip your hair out, and you’ll be swapping masks frequently these days since you’re gonna go from COVID+ to COVID- and back and forth. The ones at my current workplace are better except for the fact that they press hard on the bridge of your nose and gradually breaking the skin down. And before anyone says, yes I’ve been fit tested, it’s the most comfortable one they offer at my workplace, the circular ones are even worse.

  • I remember back when I lived in the dorms for college and some of the horrific shit I saw and smelled is ungodly. I went to one of those “gamer” colleges and I had a pair of friends that I hated going into their room because it stank of feet, cum, and BO and it only got worse over the year. Then when I moved room the toilet was black with filth and I ended up spending >3 hours scrubbing it until me and my new roommate were comfortable even going near it, he was stuck cleaning other parts of the room in trade for me doing the toilet. I have no issue living cluttered and not living in an immaculate space, but I mean, have standards.

  • Earlier this year we had COVID rip through our unit, half of our residents got it. Since it’s a dementia unit it’s nigh impossible to quarantine people because they either will come walking out and get aggressive if you try to keep them inside, or they’ll find a way to fall. While most made it through the quarantine period, it still took its toll, we had 6 die within a few days of each other a bit after we were fully cleared on the unit, they just weren’t able to make back out on the other side. To that end, there are a fair few people that now have chronic coughs and we had RSV hit a few weeks later. The ones that died were already pretty precarious but as of now we have a new group that’s a bit more precarious and keeps getting sick.

  • I recently finished Pacific Drive, it was pretty fun, but I feel like it could’ve probably been a bit shorter and the grind a bit less overall to make the mid game transition to the end game more.

    I picked up Sifu and that’s been fun. Kinda hits that Sekiro itch.

    I know Rimworld is getting another expansion pack though I usually have to play on a few month delay if I want my 300+ mod list to remain current. Though I will say it just sorta feels like they’re just doing an official version of the rather popular Lovecraftian mods that are out there already.

    Then I’ve been playing minecraft here and there after watching 15+ hours of a dude build amazing things with Create and almost makes me feel like I could do that until I remember dude spends hundreds of hours on it and I don’t have that kind of time anymore.