cosecantphi [he/him]

  • 16 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • cosecantphi [he/him]@hexbear.nettoScience Memes@mander.xyzLaunches
    16 days ago

    The reason you need to slow down is because you’re starting on Earth, which means you’re moving fast enough parallel to the sun’s surface that for every foot you fall downwards toward the sun, the sun’s surface curves away by 1 foot. This results in the nearly circular orbit around the sun we exist in.

    If you start speeding up, the orbit becomes more elliptical, except your aphelion starts raising away from the sun because now you’re moving fast enough that you’ve moved more than 1 foot sideways in the time you’ve fallen 1 foot downwards.

    Slowing down has the opposite effect. If you get your speed down to 0, you’ll fall straight down toward the sun as normal with gravity. But you don’t need to go all the way down to 0 velocity to enter the sun, you just need to slow down until your elliptical orbit brushes up against the sun’s surface. If you then want to speed back up to avoid falling into the sun, you need to do it parallel to the sun’s surface. At this point, speeding up toward the sun will actually make you fall into the sun faster.

    So basically the problem isn’t that you’re moving too fast to fall into the sun. By virtue of Earth’s orbit, you’re moving too fast in a direction away from hitting the sun’s surface.

  • I agree the show, especially toward the end, is definitely no kind of masterpiece, and many of the plot points are definitely really dumb, just in a very entertaining way. You’re correct that the fact that Lelouch almost died because his cadres didn’t have a real shared ideology that would allow for them to have any kind of faith or respect in his leadership doesn’t quite work as a criticism of exactly that kind of organization when Lelouch uses his geass to win anyway by mind controlling the remainder of the Britannian Empire’s armed forces.

    My being impressed at this show mainly comes from the mere fact that it’s very explicitly and wholeheartedly endorsing violent resistance against US coded imperialism. I feel as if that’s rare from popular media, especially back when it released. It neglects to take a specific political stance, but it’s absolutely anti-imperialist, even if just being that is a low bar to clear. The rest is mostly very fun but harmless anime slop apart from the parts I criticized in the OP.

  • I think that kinda reflect the core message of the show, which is pretty libby, though. “society is bad because of bad people, and you can totally just simply wish them away”.

    See, I disagree because the events I described in my comment are not actually the conclusion of the show. Nothing is inherently solved by the death of King Charles. What killing King Charles actually accomplishes is that merely Lelouch has one less enemy so he can focus on stopping his brother Schneizel, who represents a much more competent threat than his father did, one with the connections to build the Sword of Damocles. Lelouch does ultimately use his geass to neutralize Schneizel, but he is only in a position to do so because a war is fought that spills an unfathomable sea of blood, and that is where the big shift in power structure comes from that allows for the effective revolution we see toward the end.

    Now, the very existence of geass magic fundamentally divorces the world of Code Geass from ours, but I thought the Black Knight reaction to Zero’s identity and the power of Geass made a lot of sense. Learning about the very existence of geass is such a mind fuck because being put under the command of Lelouch’s geass is an extremely gross violation of bodily autonomy. It’s a serious crime to use it in such a way that isn’t directly advancing the goal of the proletariat in class war. Lelouch’s identity as a Britannian prince isn’t what necessarily loses him the support of his comrades, it’s his ability to violate people in such a way with absolutely zero accountability or oversight. They also learn that Euphemia’s massacre of the Japanese people was orchestrated entirely by geass, Lelouch never tells anyone but CC that it was an accident.

    They all start to question whether their very involvement in the resistance is their own will or not. Kallen is the only member of the Black Knights to give Lelouch a chance because she is the only one who knows him personally enough to continue trusting him. Which is ironic because Lelouch did in fact use his geass on her previously, as minor an order it was.

  • I thought the supernatural EoE-esque human instrumentality project ass shit King Charles was working on with his brother and wife came to a great conclusion and served the story pretty well in that regard.

    Like Lelouch spends most of the anime with one of his leading motivations being finding his mother’s killer and taking revenge. But in what was meant to be his climactic showdown with his father, he finds his mother is actually still alive, her soul in some trippy subspace connected to the thought elevator by her geass ability. She reveals she’s totally into this “slaying god” shit King Charles (who is now immortal btw) and his brother were doing. Lelouch’s parents then drone on and on about how actually we had to exile you and Nunnally while ruling Britannia as a racist, genocidal empire built on the backs of subjugated colonies, those we’re just the conditions we needed to wield the Sword of Akasha! (the helical structure seen stabbing into the planet Jupiter). They claim this will kill the capability for deceit in human nature (???) thereby allowing the collective dead to all commune with the living (???) in an unchanging, perfect world frozen around the current status quo in terms of social structure (???)

    Lelouch correctly rejects all of this out of hand for the nonsense it is. The supposedly good intentions of his parents buried this deep in metaphysical fascist nonsense are meaningless. In rejection of everything his parents believed and worked toward, Lelouch uses his Geass to request god not halt the march of time. God responds by erasing the immortal King Charles and his wife Marianne. Everything falls apart for them in an almost comical way, starting with the sword toppling over and falling away from Jupiter, and the subspace itself becomes unstable. King Charles dies, evaporating away in shocked disbelief, having previously demonstrated himself immortal. Marianne calls Lelouch an ungrateful child before she too disappears into a puff of smoke. I thought this was such a great twist to take the mystery of Lelouch’s mother, and it was a great way to tie up a lot of the lore threads before moving onto Lelouch’s confrontation with his older brother.

  • The libs just want someone who will quietly and politely do genocide without dropping the mask too hard. Trump won’t do that, so in their eyes he’s automatically worse on this issue to a level they believe justifies voting for Harris. If that’s not mathematical proof liberals are racists who care far more about the idea the United States is a fundamentally good country than they care about this genocide, then I don’t know what is.

    They will not put the smallest effort into even trying to think about how absurd they’d sound to the Palestinians who now constantly occupy the space between living a life with dignity and dying badly, their entire culture and identity extinguished because settlers are too racist to share. The US being a country descendant from the same type, is ever gleeful to aid Israel in any manner they deem necessary. Both of the American capitalist parties are entirely subservient to the same existing military industrial complex, they are both accomplice to the Palestinian genocide equally.

    Given these two parties are our only option because of the way our voting system works, would it not be fair to say we actually do not have a democracy? All semblance that the US is not a blatant dictatorship of the capitalist class dies once you understand our electoral candidates run entirely at the whim of each capitalist party. Neither have any obligation to actually conduct primaries if they choose not to, you can’t vote your way into forcing them to do something they fundamentally don’t want to do. No one fucking voted for Kamala Harris, yet she’s half our total allowed candidate pool.

    Expressing support for one or the other genocidal capitalist faction makes these libs accomplice. In doing so, libs admit they believe stopping this genocide isn’t as important as conducting this genocide gracefully. Either that or they believe stopping this genocide isn’t as important as whatever domestic issue they believe the democrats pay lip service to. That doesn’t justify throwing the Palestinians under the bus, which is what they’re doing when they loudly exclaim the democrats have their vote regardless of any material intention to stop being accomplice to a genocide.

    Anyone who isn’t a racist shithead sees right through it, this tendency of western libs will be a useful litmus test in the years to come.

  • I think UlysessT was well served by his time spent touching grass. Before his journey, he had a habit of blowing up on comrades over some really petty stuff, but I’ve not seen that sort of behavior since he’s returned.

    That said, I’ve always agreed with him on like 90% of his very vivid observations and criticisms of reddit dudebro culture, and I love it whenever its some unfortunate federated lemmitor on the business end of one of his very brutal and emojiful dunkings. Glad to see him back.

  • Ukraine hasn’t even been independent for my entire life, what are you talking about? Do you think thirty years is a long time? Are you twelve?

    This is the thing that gets me with lemmy libs at times. I want to dunk on them harder, but some of them are so naive and ignorant about basic facts of recent history that in the back of my mind I can’t help but think I’m probably talking to an actual, literal child. Then I just feel saddened about it more than anything.

  • At what point did this become Russia’s aggression? Certainly after the fall of the Soviet Union by western backed coup (before which Ukraine and Russia were literally the same country). Did Russia’s aggression start when NATO aggressively expanded into the former Eastern bloc after promising not to as a major condition of the USSR’s dissolution? How about when Russia subjected its own population to devastating austerity, resulting in untold death and destruction, all in a genuine effort to liberalize and assimilate into NATO themselves? Was that Russia being too aggressive? Or did Russia’s aggression not start until after the west continued to wage economic warfare anyway, demonstrating NATO never had any intention to let Russia coexist peacefully on the world stage regardless? How aggressive was it of Russia when the west helped to orchestrate the 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine to install a rabidly anti-Russian fascist government on one of Russia’s largest land borders? I guess Russia was being too aggressive when Ukraine decided to ban the Russian language and shell Russian speaking civilians in Eastern Ukraine for literally years and years in violation of the Minsk agreements, resulting in massive pro-Russian separatist movements forming to fight off Banderite pogroms.

    I think I get it now, after exhausting literally all available diplomatic avenues to peace, aggressive Russia started this conflict out of nowhere by supporting the cause of the breakaway republics invading poor innocent Ukraine, wow can’t believe a country would go to war like this at the drop of a hat! Irrational aggressive Russia should just take their troops home and surrender all territory back to Ukraine, a country losing a war so badly it’s on the verge of collapse.