• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I am lucky. I had no idea this was going on back here. Here’s the back of the scorched cabinet.

    And here is my new cap job.

    I’m going to cover it with a plate and cut a hole in the melamine just as you suggested.

    The blue box is one of those kind that is supposed to latch into the drywall, but the melamine is cut too tight for that to have ever worked so it’s just busted out when I pulled on cabinet.

  • I had an older model watch that required a chest strap before that. I think it was my old Pebble. The way I tested was I wore the two watches at the same time and pulled the chest strap data from the older watch and compared it to the wrist monitor data from the new one. I couldn’t see any meaningful difference over about a week of running, so I happily gave up the chest strap.

  • The racing season is over for me and now I’ll spend the rest of the year building up miles as I try to hit my goal distance for the 2023. I’m trying not to lose any of the gains from this year by maintaining two speed workouts per week while also increasing mileage. The objective is to avoid injury by doing shorter speed working and slowing way down on the easy miles.