Bullshit. It was passed without Republican support. Negotiations were smoke and mirrors because they all were taking big healthcare money.
Bullshit. It was passed without Republican support. Negotiations were smoke and mirrors because they all were taking big healthcare money.
It was passed without Republican support, any negotiations were theater because they were bought and payed for. Fuck the ACA.
It was passed without Republican support, so I guess you’re describing centrist Democrats?
Yeah, Democrats compromising with Democrats.
My grandmother just passed last year at 100. She wrote exactly like this but in English. She grew up in a German speaking home in the US, her parents had been part of a large group of Germans who had settled in Russia because conditions in Germany were worsening. They broke wild land for farming, built roads and houses, dug wells etc. When Russia seized all of their farms and packed them into train cars where many died, they fled to the US.
My great grandparents got their citizenship when he fought in WWI. I met him once before he died, he had the same first name I do and he had a wooden leg from a rock slide unrelated to his service in the war. I have a decorative plate with his likeness with a moustache and a cigarette hanging in my kitchen.
I can read this stuff though, my grandmother sent handwritten cards and letters for 40 years of my life. Also I have lived in Germany although my German isn’t very fluent.
I will take your windows 10 PC and give you a keychain made of DDR2 RAM in trade.
Yes, and a parade float will totally change things.
They’ll just keep waiting for their trains that are somehow always late despite German reputation for efficiency.
Nothing, and they’ll keep taking money from neolib oligarchs because they think they’re on the same side. They’re on their side.
Like normal conditions?
It might be higher than 99%. But not quite 100.
I just got my fourth from her. Is this targeted? lol
I did the cigar thing for about a year. After that I went to a pack of cigarettes a month. About a year of that and I finally quit. I smoked for about fifteen years but I haven’t smoked tobacco in over fifteen years.
I did that once.
1999 got an N64 with Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Snap.
I honestly appreciate that we don’t understand the universe. Theories keep evolving and that’s what science should look like. If we can’t question “established” scientific theories, we have abandoned the scientific method. Strong theories hold up. Like the theory of gravity, although even there I’m not convinced we have a complete understanding. Good answers are good, but who knows what we might be capable of if we keep pushing for more.
With my washer I get undissolved detergent if I don’t mix it with water before adding clothes. It’s not a huge deal but sometimes I’m tossing it in in a hurry and my teenagers don’t take the time to do it and then complain. Also teenagers can be very smelly and I have a little loyalty to a brand that seems to do a better job on the smell than others I’ve tried. I second your recommendation though for most people. I used to have a job doing laundry and the powdered detergent we used with the commercial washers worked great.
I have a decent list of software I need it for unfortunately so I’m keeping my best PC on Windows, but I have four PCs in the house. I’ve been running Linux on one of them for a couple years but the other two will be moved over by Windows 10 EOL.
Yeah I don’t use fabric softener or dryer sheets but a good value size jug of detergent is worth it to me. My wife and I both work two jobs., I don’t want to spend any time grating soap.
That trailer wouldn’t be able to support that rock either, but this is the Internet.
Yeah when I hear M3 I’m thinking BMW for sure.