This calls for a time travel movie, titled Fixin’ Nixon
This calls for a time travel movie, titled Fixin’ Nixon
When I met people in real life who are secretive about what they do/did, I automatically assume one of two things - Secret agent, or the person who rubs the nipples of actresses before shooting a scene so that they poke through their t-shirts.
They should have been forced to rename to Fox Entertainment
Thinking about this a bit deeper, and I feel like if someone wasn’t a billionaire at first, invested his savings and took loans and grew a business, and did things right (assuming a benevolent fellow paying fair wages and generally being nice to everyone in his company and community, and not doing hanky panky tax bullshit) to become a billionaire over time, and got his rightful regular returns on his investment - that’s not the bad guy here. But the CEO who demands a stupidly high compensation going into high millions ,without investing capital, and thinks his skills and intelligence is worth him earning that much - that’s the true bad guy.
Everything you said makes sense…except heavy metal exposure. Unless you mean lead or something…
They didn’t hold the crew ransom, they blew them up with missiles and caused such a huge turmoil in supply chains that the cost of shipping went up by shitloads and affected the livelihoods of workers all across the world and affected cost of goods for consumers all over the world
And make sure you say thank you
I’m telling you, it’s that chin beard that gone fucked things up
Unfortunately, this didn’t really happen
This is some gourmet shit
I got one, and I saw it being referenced somewhere else on some post, so I decided to search Nicole and found this community and your message then. Any idea what this means? What’s going on haha
GTA6 will almost be complete
I have an even better idea. We should connect all of the defense systems, including nukes, to an AI. It’ll be a great network across the sky using starlink satellites. I think we could call it SkyNet.
I also feel like the goon then adds you to more mailing lists
You’re doing your part!
I think it’s more like a travel agent and a passenger rail
Twisted metal, vice city, predator
So many great games on the PS2, I think of it as the best console and best gaming period of my life, these 3 are on the top of my mind of that time.
Edit - ofcourse, not a game, but the modchip was the best thing :)
Isn’t this true for every generation?
Pretty sure someone would have already done it. Anything with a screen and some sort of computer behind it is low hanging fruit for doom. It’s shit like running it on a calculator using potatoes that raises the bar!