Hmm. Tá faltando um “I don’t speak macaco” ou um bigodinho no outdoor. Nada que uma lata de spray não resolva.
Intel hit critical mass enshitification. Their 13th and 14th gen chips have a near 100% failure rate. Thankfully China is already investing in RISC-V
Now where is the Classier Rock station?
Sadly, politics are so f***ed up that I have to agree with something Trump has said: He can shoot someone in Times Square and not lose a single vote.
Ironic, isn’t NASA barred from working with Chinese organizations because China has been accused of spying and stealing tech?
I never knew the complexity of ICE until watching the Garbage Time YouTube channel. They repair old cars (and sometimes break them to fix them later) and show the whole process, but do it as a hobby, so it’s all for entertainment.
The issue with nuclear is the extremely high initial cost, and it’s not as set and forget it as the propaganda wants you to think. In short, because of nuclear decay chains the power can’t be just ramped up and down willy nilly, some of the byproducts poison the chain reaction and power needs to be managed. Having nuclear as the bearer of the minimal load with solar/wind/battery power for the variable load is the way I think works the best, but I’m not an expert.
Infelizmente a política está tão escrota que eu tenho que concordar com uma coisa que o Donald Trump disse: quando uma pessoa escolhe um candidato, esse candidato pode atirar e matar uma pessoa no meio da rua que não perde voto.
Gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss.
Da série privatiza que melhora.
I’ve seen a great idea of reusing those oil rigs as wind farm platforms.
Acho que aconteceu algum problema, o Photon virou a interface padrão?
Great. First it was the Internet Archive, now Wikipedia.
I’ve read the article. It is based on the author’s personal experience, which, news flash, does not represent reality as a whole. Also, even then he is wrong, kids movies can appeal to anyone: The Lego Movie, The Super Mario Bros Movie, Sonic the Hedgehog films.
Also, he called Minecraft Story Mode a “Netflix cartoon”.
No meu serviço, por falta de máquina para os funcionários remotos tem uma dúzia de pessoas que usam máquinas virtuais Windows que rodam em host AlmaLinux.
Don’t forget Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser
Os caras desmontaram as cinco, e agora o material radioativo ainda está sumido e sem proteção 😳
And that is why I only open videos about topics I am only mildly interested on or from controversial channels in incognito mode even though I actually pay for ad-free YouTube Premium.
On my defense, that is the only streaming service I pay for.