Richardson is even worse. I was a bike commuter there and people would throw things at me.
Working class employee of the Sashatown Central News Agency, the official news service of the DPRS Ministry of State Security. Your #1 trusted source for patriotic facts.
Richardson is even worse. I was a bike commuter there and people would throw things at me.
I’ll only allow winter above 3000m in elevation. You can have a scenic winter but it won’t impact anything below that.
They’re now trawling through commenters’ profiles to find an epic logic own which proves they’re tankies. This is the above comment which is very tankie:
EVs also really play to China’s strengths in that they have a much lower barrier to entry than internal combustion cars which require significantly more R&D. Instead anyone can slap a battery and electric motors onto a chassis, so now Chinese EVs can compete on price and features. Given the extremely efficient supply chain and manufacturing industry China has, this means they can outcompete on both high end luxury EVs and extremely cheap workhorse EVs.
I completely agree that they’re going to have a hard right pivot to some kind of nationalist right-wing ideology. Ten years is too optimistic. Five at most. They’re already halfway there and just need that final push of other anarchists saying “you’re weird”. This thread could even be that moment for them since most of the replies are calling out how nonsensical they are.
If anything I want some reactionary dumbass to spend a few thousand dollars for it. For us it will mean absolutely nothing- /r/chapotraphouse became chapo.chat became hexbear without any change to its culture. The name becoming dick.butt just means I type a new url in. If that anti-tankie goober on reddit buys it though, whatever they create is going to be as reactionary and toxic as they are. It will just ruin their reputation and finances, while maybe giving us a new slop farm if they try to make it into a forum.
That will be a nice day for bike commuting. Short of Sunday though, every other day is bringing more and more ice to the trails. That’s unforgivable.
Especially not. I live in the Rockies. The mountains will have a permanent July where it’s still pleasant and the wildflowers are peaking.
The climate will stay the same. It’ll be better even.
Their plan involves a forever summer. I’m simply proposing Spring 2.
He chose to have the sweatiest month and it’s time we update things.
This petition is independent of climate change. I’m filing a second one after it succeeds which will reduce the forever summer to a 1990s level and do away with August.
You can have one snowstorm as a treat, but after the first the pretty is outweighed by wet and cold and slipping on ice.
Hill Country at least? That’s kinda pretty. Don’t you put Dallas on me though.
With anarchists like that, who needs the FBI?
It’s weird that my phone redirects me to that while I can post normally on my desktop.
Three hours from the first symptom was my guideline when I worked in paramedicine. Within that we could push TPA, a drug that dissolves every blood clot in the body. After three hours the risk of causing a second stroke outweighed the benefits of stopping the one that has already done its damage.
Stellantis going bankrupt: I
Stellantis executives being fed molten gold until their greed is satiated: I
But for different causes. This one seems mechanical with a clear gear collapse [watch the left side] and terrible luck that there was one other plane on the field: https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/1imy3el/the_video_of_the_crash_of_the_learjet_35a_at/
The DC collision is the only one that seems to have a greater systemic pattern involved. Other recent crashes have been mechanical or probable pilot error and those aren’t uncommon for small planes. A few hundred people die every year in small planes without most making the news.
I like Twain’s work a lot. He became really radical in his later years: https://socialistworker.org/2010/04/21/the-twain-they-didnt-teach
“THERE were two “Reigns of Terror,” if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the “horrors” of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break? What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake? A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by that brief Terror which we have all been so diligently taught to shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by that older and real Terror—that unspeakably bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its vastness or pity as it deserves.”
Albeit in like 2010. I was somewhere off Audelia and Walnut Street was hell to ride down. Even now it seems like that area doesn’t have bike lanes, albeit the sidewalks look more even.