• 154 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • If only US automakers had developed the electric car in, say, the early 90’s and then had the infrastructure and knowledge base in 2024 to produce an EV people (who aren’t automotive executives) could afford.

    OR, failing that, it would have been great after US automakers blew their entire savings on gas guzzlers and fucking went bankrupt sixteen years ago so the taxpayers gave them boatloads of free fucking money if they could have set aside some money, say, six billion, to develop an EV people could afford - that’d have been great.

    BUT THEY DIDN’T. Now China’s at the door and they’ve got it. Fuck. Uhhhhh . . Unfair trading advantage!! Help! Gummit! More money!

    US Automakers have shit the bed 1000 times. They can show themselves out.

  • While I agree, The Intercept has its own problems. Yes the NYT slant-a-palooza is always bad, but the Independent is not without problems.

    See: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-intercept/ for a detailed breakdown

    Analysis / Bias The Intercept has been criticized by both Republicans and Democrats, such as this New Yorker article that reads, “Greenwald’s focus on “deep state” depredations has exiled him from MSNBC but has given him a place on Fox News.”

    Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald has criticized MSNBC host Rachel Maddow for turning into an “utterly scripted, intellectually dishonest, partisan hack.” Greenwald says this criticism has led to the end of his appearances on MSNBC. Greenwald often criticized left-leaning media coverage of Trump-Russia collusion, namely CNN, MSNBC, and CBS, arguing that “very little evidence supported the idea that Moscow was hot for Donald.”

    However, The Intercept is harshly critical of Donald Trump and right-wing policies with articles such as this: Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Culmination of War on Terror Mentality but Still Uniquely Shameful. In review, The Intercept publishes articles with strongly emotionally loaded language, such as “The Ignored Legacy of George H.W. Bush: War Crimes, Racism, and Obstruction of Justice” and “The 10 Most Appalling Articles in the Weekly Standard’s Short and Dreadful Life.”

    The Intercept rejects mainstream establishment politics in favor of progressive liberalism with this pro-Bernie Sanders quote: “ignore the opinion polls and the bogus arguments against him: whether you like him or not, Bernie Sanders is the frontrunner right now,” from “Critics Say Bernie Sanders Is Too Old, Too White, and Too Socialist to Run for President in 2020. They’re Wrong.”

    Regarding sourcing, The Intercept always uses credible sources such as The Economist, The Hill, Politico, NYMag, and the Washington Post.

    In general, The Intercept provides in-depth investigative stories that are sensational in nature. Most stories are critical of the right-left establishment and lean strongly progressive left in ideology.

  • trump is illegitimate because he coordinated with russia to tip the election in his favor. That’s illegal. His SCOTUS picks are illegitimate as a result of that (not to mention the perjury, cover up of rape and so on, but for this argument that’s not necessary).

    Failure to impeach and a failure to rectify both the illegal campaign AND the attempted coup (who the fuck does anyone think planned and approved that shitshow anyway) means we’re in fucking la la land as it is, so if we can’t vote them out because 18th century slaveholders befucked a system that crooked pols refuse to fix . . . Well, then ya got problems.