jacab [he/him]

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • love this one. i’m really impressed with his consistent level of quality on all of these original songs, especially considering how fundamentally simple they are musically.

    him recording banger after banger on his phone in the forest with nothing but a guitar and sometimes a harmonica while droves of industry plants churn out highly-produced slop in a vain attempt to make as many viral tiktok sound bites as possible is a prime example of the fact that good art comes from lots of passion and practice, not from access to expensive professional tools and resources.

  • i used to ride my bicycle every day but during the winter i decided not to get squashed by trucks and started walking instead (the sidewalks didn’t get cleared, so i couldn’t bike on them and i absolutely wont share an icy road with cars).

    but come spring and summertime, i just preferred to keep walking. i think it’s mainly because it’s more leisurely, which makes it easier to transition between work brain and leisure brain during the commute.

    on my bike i still mainly stuck to the sidewalks (which is somehow fucking illegal here btw) since at least half of all american drivers want to either maim or murder bicyclists on the road, but i have to carefully move to the road if there is a pedestrian on the sidewalk or whatever ahead of me. so even though while walking i still have to be on fairly high alert for the red-blooded american patriots who think the stop signs in residential areas are suggestions, walking is just a more pleasant experience.

    i feel incredibly lucky that i live close enough to walk and bike to my job, especially so considering how deeply carfucked my city is, so my heart goes out to everyone who is forced to endure commuting by car or playing chicken with your life against american motorists as a bicyclist. wear a helmet.

  • I think NixOS would stand to benefit a lot by taking inspiration from openSUSE’s YaST system configuration tool. I think that if NixOS had a well supported graphical interface for creating and managing the system config, it would become so much more accessible to a very wide range of users who never would have given it a try otherwise, which in turn would bring in tons of new users and developers who will want to improve nixpkgs, etc.

  • my personal wishlist would just be a proper homeserver and the typical home theatre stuff like a nice big screen, speakers, etc.

    in a broader sense of how the ecosystem would be improved, i’d say more open source projects and solidarity in general. currently the worst, yet most common sort of piracy is people searching “watch blank online free” and clicking the shady websites full of junk ads, popups and malware just to see a shitty heavily compressed buffering version with baked in subtitles and stuff. piracy should be for the people, not for profit; lowering the amount of technical hoops you need to jump through to get to the good accessible media by having simple, free, and open tools would help a lot.