kot [they/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2022


  • What makes the problem worse is that theyre power fantasies written specifically for bitter straight men who think they were overlooked. The audience is basically otaku/incels, which means the wish fulfilment fantasies are always horrible shit like owning slaves or getting back at all the evil women who wronged you. Also I don’t think there’s much of a difference between the average isekai and the run of the mill generic fantasy anime anymore, it seems to me that they are the same thing for the most part. The only difference is whether the guy was a loser before dying irl or if he’s a loser because his fantasy power sucks.

  • It doesn’t really matter what Tarantino was “going for” or what his message was, the work should speak for itself, and that’s definitely a possible interpretation. Trying to guess what an author wanted to say or meant is usually not very productive and rarely helps when analyzing works of art. We can’t read minds, sometimes the author is dead, sometimes they forget or just straight up lie, etc.
    Sometimes the author is an absolute buffoon who accidentally made something really smart, but that doesn’t make the work he stumbled into making any worse.

  • Palestinians are telling people to wear them. I get that if you’re not aware of this it looks like cultural appropriation from cracker (like usual), but Palestinians actually want people to do this to show support and raise awareness. If enough people publicly express their support It becomes harder to make these ridiculous accusations that not supporting genocide makes you an antisemitic terrorist. I don’t think you can equate this with other forms of slacktivism given how controversial expressing any support for Palestine is right now.

  • Hot take, but “virtue signaling” doesnt exist. Or at least It’s not a problem. It’s a term chuds made up to get people to stop expressing leftwing opinions online, while “virtue signaling” themselvrs the other way really hard.
    Everyone does this because it’s like a fundamental part of socializing and being human.
    Edit: I also don’t think we should be adopting chud language, enough of the internet is incel lingo already

  • Wasn’t Caesar basically winning before the player arrived though? The NCR barely won the first Hoover dam battle, and they weren’t even aware of the fact that Caesar had bases on the other side of the river already, plus a bunch of legion spies sabotaging them. The impression I got was that the NCR was spread too thin and was so incompetent that this crazy fascist roman larper was going to beat them this time if the player character didn’t come along and get their shit together. I do agree that the legion isn’t going to survive Caesar dying though, Lanius isn’t nearly as smart, and when he dies too there would be no one to take over.