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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • 1.5GB daily is not unlimited. They also chose O2, the worst network by a large margin. That’s about a good start.

    That said, it is still expensive, and actually getting more expensive, but since 2019 we have made huge progress. There are a lot more cellphone towers, so you might even have O2 reception in rural areas. I am on the Telekom network, which is the most expensive, but also has the best coverage. 90% is 5G (though still NSA) and 10% 4G. No reception is usually limited to very rural areas or narrow valleys or inside some buildings. It is still behind some other European countries, but much improved.

    We have also doubled the number of homes with FTTB/FTTH available in the last two years. Unfortunately most Germans are rather conservative and cheap when it comes to internet access. You would be shocked how many wealthy people are still on unreliable coax or old DSL lines because that is five to ten euro per month cheaper than fiber.

  • I would get a laptop as well in that situation. Just make sure it is one that supports setting the charging threshold. Having it on all the time will kill the battery quickly if it keeps charging from 95 to 100%. It’s much better to keep it below 80%, which should still give enough “UPS time”.

    The battery will also not electrically protect the motherboard from voltage swings. So get a good power adapter that can handle the voltages.

  • lemmylommy@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldApple AI vs. Microsoft AI
    16 days ago

    Well. One company stared down the FBI when they wanted assistance unlocking a terrorists phone, because it would weaken security for everyone else.

    The other keeps adding „features“ to my operating system that are designed to siphon data from me, they build at the very least misleading dialogs for those „features“ to trick me into enabling them (not even allowing „no“ as a choice, usually it’s just „yes“ or „not now“) and even when meticulously disabled they have a tendency to magically re-enable themselves after updates.

    Who would you trust more?