• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Woo hoo holidays have arrived!!! Went to pub quiz with work folk last night but wasn’t great!! General knowledge/social media rounds were not good but we were great at films and wrestling move or sex position!!! Watched some Glasto earlier while having a chinese and now enjoying a wee strawberry daquiri! Have a good weekend xx

  • I’ve had a shite work year, so glad to see the back of it!! We are going to a pub on thursday for something to eat and a quiz. On the friday some folk are going out!! I’vd been a bit crabby/nippy this week so i’ll see if I can be bothered with folk by Friday!!

    The colour run is a sponsored thing for the Ayrshire Hospice. I do it with my friend who has had family use the services. Just a bit of fun because none of us are runners!!!

  • Got my postal vote in today, so can tick that off the to do list!! 1 more week to go and work will be done for a good long break!! Can’t wait!!!

    Had a few things to drop off tonight and ended up having chinese at my dads. Tomorrow got some stuff to pick up. Then Sunday I have a Colour Run to do (which I just walk!!).

    Have a lovely weekend folks xx