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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023

  • It does not have indentation at all. It should, but for reasons, it does not. Furthermore, for reasons that strain credulity, it will highlight ERROR nodes with a font lock face, causing endless graphical flashing as you leave your tree-sitter tree in a brief error-state as you type.

    I recommend you ditch it unless you have a good reason for using it. The third-party yaml-mode.el is excellent.

  • I saw this on the mailing list, and it looks very promising. It’s always nice to have more choice in this space. I did also play around with it quite a bit and I do have some feedback to the author (and anybody who would want to play around with it):

    Expect to debug the dape debugger. I wanted to check it out with a bespoke software project I’m building for a client and I figured this would be a fine way to test it. I’ve never played around with DAP and friends before (ipdb is fine for me, thanks) so it was a bit of a learning curve as the documentation is sparse, even moreso the magic flags and parameters you need to paw off to dape and – down the road – the actual DAP client/server. This… this is bad and needs a lot more handholding. I struggled, and I’ve done Python and Emacs for two decades. And I simply could not, no matter what I did, get the microsoft adapter and dape.el to play nice with the client-server attachment facility in the dape protocol, and dape.el didn’t help me much here in terms of why — nor, for that matter, did the Microsoft-provided DAP debug adapter you use. Error handling in the DAP client/server seems poor or not designed, surprise surprise, for anything but VSCode or whatever.

    I could, after a fair bit of wrangling, get it to work by starting the process for me and then have it hook into whatever it needs to do to work. That does seem to work. I never did get attachment to work, rendering it useless in a webapp or even for my usual workflow of throwing down a breakpoint() and having ipdb (or whatever) pick up from there.

    Other problems I’ve encountered is a weird way that it stores configuration options once you’ve told dape to connect to stuff. The UX around that needs work before it’s plug-and-play.

    The other criticism is that it does not, and this might be a DAP thing and not a dape thing, work with the default GDB-like shorthands (c for continue, etc.). Maybe that’s just how it is; but it’s little things like that.

    Being able to see all the relevant variables, a la the GDB multi-window support in Emacs, is also nice. Which makes me wonder why we can’t just reuse that, as there’s surely man-years of work to make that stable and effective.

    Still, an impressive effort, and I’m surprised how little code dape actually is. I’m sure it’ll improve quickly once people start giving feedback.