nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]

If America were to go to war with Satan, I would side with Satan as America is the greater Satan

  • 34 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • Economic collapse alone might not. Beyond the state of Israel, if there were a unified response by all the resistance factions the US/NATO would certainly come to Israel’s defense and a greater regional war would be the result. The resistance must keep their responses below the threshold of western intervention and slowly bleed the entity dry, damaging their economy is just one part of that. You can’t have a nation if the people who run your government (the actual bureaucrats) fuck off back to Europe and the nations you rely on for necessary imports refuse to do business with you. The US can’t keep the entire nation afloat if the nation stops being functional.

    Regarding caasualties, Israel absolutely can’t sustain losses like this for another year. Their hospitals are full of casualties, something like one in four casualties are amputees. Much like Ukraine, the combination of people fleeing the conflict to Europe and the US and the massive toll on their active duty military sets them up for extremely hard times.

    Check out this lecture Al_Sham posted, she goes into detail about this strategy:

  • I often think about a conversation I had with a liberal who was basically asking me to convince them that China isn’t an evil gommulist world security threat. I was contrasting China’s foreign policy and economic actions against the west’s and how the IMF just straight up does debt peonage and cripples nations, while China offers deals and doesn’t use threats and military pressure to force acquiescence. After explaining that China’s tactic towards Africa and the rest of the developing nations is to try to help them develop themselves into successful, rich economies so that they can engage in mutually beneficial trade with China, and China even forgives some loans to those nations as a result of that longterm interest, he gave me a knowing look and smugly said “Ohhhh, I see what they’re doing, heh heh.”

    He still thinks China’s evil, he just now thinks they’re evil because they’re using dastardly good, helpful tactics instead of starting wars, coups, and genocides. Fucking liberals.