nohaybanda [he/him]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2020


  • Yes I am talking about democracy. A subset of democratic governance is representative democracy, in which political functionaries and leaders are elected by way of popular* elections and given some* power to govern. Electoralism then is the practice of engaging with electoral politics using a variety of tactics - agitation, propaganda, canvassing, organised voting, voter suppression - in order to empower delegates who will in turn attempt to advance a political agenda. The “transfer of power from the few to the many” is one such agenda that may be pursued electorally. It is wrong to equate the goal with the political practice, they are different.

    Now, within socialist tradition there exists a strain of politics, which centers electoralism as the primary mode of political struggle towards the empowerment of the working class, to the exclusion or suppression of more active forms of struggle. That is called reformism. I challenge every one of you arguing with me here to show me where I have advocated for reformism.

    • I know these vary a lot, don’t @ me

  • Eat my entire ass. I very explicitly rejected the idea that liberal electoralism is the only possible kind and gave a reason why we should not default to capitalist societies as the sole or default carriers of the democratic tradition.

    While we’re on the subject. good faith approach: hey what do you mean by electoralism here?

    Bad faith: your aggro bullshit

    EDIT: I’m being aggro as well. My apologies, I’ll take a step back and cool off