• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Normally I’d just tell you all to kiss my nuts but ok, we’re not actually on that site, we’re on another one.

    If I shared all my filters here I’d probably get my account banned in 5 seconds due to tripping so many keywords.

    Just Google “recommended 4chan filters” and then check a couple of threads FROM 4chan for examples.

    Obvious ones would be:

    1. <blocking every single memeflag if you intend to use /pol/>
    2. furry, wypipol, gay, guro, rekt, gore, ukraine, russia, trans, etc etc etc (basically anything pornographic (use regex))
    3. MD5 sums for all the “rainbow priests” and other bs the merchants are always spamming. Awesome thing about these is that as soon as you block these, it blocks everything else these morons use. Forces them to recreate the images if they want people to keep seeing them. It’s pretty big-brain and you need a high IQ to understand and I’m too tired right now.

    After setting up a decent filters list. eg. no memeflags, no porn, no rekt/gore, no trans etc. the site is pretty awesome. Plenty of hilarious schizo stuff, high quality bantz and because there’s no karma and generally no rules people don’t focus on fighting or arguing by trying to one-up each other. They just call each other a f*g and usually immediately move on.

    Obviously not recommended if you are someone who is actually remotely offended by casual sexism, racism etc. aka you need to at least not have the fragility of a two year old child.

    I also recommend:

    /pol/ only with half-decent filters otherwise it’s 90% merchant spam /wsg/ /an/ /v/ /vm/ /g/ /k/ /biz/ if you’re okay with losing money lol

    Or if you want something megawholesome: frenschan.org

  • I’ve never really flossed. Every time I go to the dentist they say I have otherwise perfect teeth and gums for my age. But I also don’t drink soft drink or alcohol, smoke, eat junk food or sweets and have basically never done so. Pretty much everything I eat is organic.

    I use a good electric toothbrush though, so generally it feels like it should be enough. If I floss even as gently as I can my gums just bleed like crazy and there’s barely any space to move it around my teeth. If I do it at night I just wake up dried with blood all in my mouth.

    EDIT: I have been thinking though about getting a water flosser or whatever they are called. At least to remove any debris the electric toothbrush missed, without (hopefully) the damage and bloody mess I get with floss string.

  • Most of the questions I asked were pretty specific questions regarding network architecture, object orientated programming and so on. Most of the subreddits I posted in were also pretty obscure, so not the general /r/python or so on. There was about 50 or so of us mostly using the subreddit as a way to bounce ideas off each other. With not much time for idle/pointless chatter. Occasionally a few people would wander in and derail the topic but we’d usually ignore them.

    I also use public Slack and the occasional Discord but it was nice to use Reddit for the most longer architecture styled posts.

    I cannot fathom why anyone would use the site for 10 years and mass over 100k karma for literally any reason.

  • The old Reddit “Nah OP can’t just be a normal dude, gotta find some way to peg this guy as an asshole because he didn’t eat eat enough of the userbase ass in his OP. If I can’t think of something I’ll just imply that he left out some crucial piece of evidence that would expose him as asshole.”

    You seriously need to go back to Reddit. This site really is better off without you. The kind of attitude you carry would have you fit right in with the trolls on 4chan.

    EDIT: Thanks to you I just looked to see if it’s possible to block someone here and thankfully it is. I won’t speak for everyone else but I can do without this kind of toxic self-righteous crap. Bye felicia.

  • You’re overly hostile and anti-social. I guess we have the Reddit hivemind to thank for that kind of behaviour. Who cares if I thanked every person who answered? Do you wave to every single person who slows down when you try to cross the road? I try to, but no one is perfect. Is this menial topic the kind of hill you want to fight or die on?

    Here’s a great meme to describe the kind unwarranted hostility users like you exhibit.

    I really hope you re-think how you engage with people here, otherwise you’re just going to find yourself constantly in arguments and getting shit on.

  • You sound like a shitty user

    Actually you do. It’s not your business how some people use the internet mate. The threads I asked for help or advice, I left up so plenty of other people could find them and make use of them. I’d understand the flack if say, I deleted the threads immediately after I got my answer.

    Most of them were discussion about networking and hardware. Extremely high level stuff for work. Plenty of clients have benefited massively from the work I do. Don’t under estimate the importance and positive impact of asking a good question. Finally, it’s not like I forced anyone to answer me. If people want to spend their time helping others, for karma or just out of boredom or whatever. That’s up to them. Trying to police other people’s behaviour just makes you look like a prick. Not me.

    Honestly dude, you need to take that chip off your shoulder. It’s your kind of instantaneously anti-social attitude that is one of the reasons why Reddit went totally down the drain mate. I came here to get away from attitude like yours. I think most of us did too.