• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • “Sailing is like standing in a cold shower ripping up $100 bills.”

    I had a sailboat for a bit when I lived in Vegas. I absolutely loved sailing. I had a relatively small, cheap boat which was fine for lake mead. It was still expensive though. Everything continuously breaks on a boat.

    If I hadnt gotten my dream job in Colorado I would have wanted to live near the ocean and own a sailboat.

  • Powerpoint is what made me originally vow to try to never use word or powerpoint again, about 15 years ago. I was making a mathematically-dense presentation and became so frustrated with it that I wanted to throw my computer out the window. I still was somewhat new to latex at the time but figured there had to be some way to make presentations in latex. Found beamer and have never used pp for a real presentation again.

  • Thanks for the tips! I fortunately stumbled upon a vehicle welding rig and a near pristine working solar car so drove it to the evacuee shelter and installed the welding rig. Building another big solar car to be a mobile base since i’ve never done vehicle construction before. The large electric motor seems up to the task. I’ll have to be on the lookout for the advanced motor for the noise issue.

  • Oh, I didn’t realize that the refugee center had useful things! I’m not a very experienced player and have never ventured there. Is Smokes simply a vendor? I just found the wiki page on the refugee center missions. Guess I need to go there! It’s not too far from my starting location. I’ve been too focused on my car build.

    Managed to have the right parts to craft a wire draw machine, so have also been supplementing my welding rods from batteries with welding wire from all the scrap copper that is easy to obtain/craft. With the welding wires, I am limited by hydrochloric acid.

  • A long time ago most airlines checked at least one bag free. I used to always do this and as op suggests, not stand in line. It was great not having to take a bag through security and haul it around through airports and connecting flights, and avoid the stress of if the overhead space would run out.

    But airlines have done everything in their power to make boarding and the whole flying process miserable in attempt to suck every dollar they can from you for their upgrades and priority boarding.

    I do often take advantage of the airlines offer to “we expect a very full flight, overhead space is limited, and will check your bag for free to your final destination”

  • I dumped ubuntu for debian 12 due to snaps, and i’m very happy so far. I run sway as my window manager. I guess we’ll see how i feel in a year but i honestly can’t think of any software i run that i’m simply fine with it not being the most recent. I’m even using the firefox-esr version that debian ships with and it’s fine.

  • Have an amd card. Have never done any special steps to update my graphics card, as amd drivers are just built into the kernel. I used to have a nvidia card and it was like 2 or 3 commands to enable proprietary drivers and was then always notified and updated with my usual software package upgrades.

    Granted i haven’t run windows for over 15 years but I remember having to go to nvidia’s website and manually download and install new nvidia drivers to update. Is this still true? If so, this is simply objectively worse.

    I’ll agree with a decent amount of gaming. Unless it’s steam, getting wine set up, even with lutris, can be a hassle.