rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]

  • 29 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • No absolutely not. I think unless they’ve done something really egregious to you though, it’s not worth getting too angry about. We all know the amount of propaganda we’ve been subjected to regarding Covid, the absolutely massive push to sweep it under the rug. To some degree I think you can understand why they’re not masking anymore, even while understanding that it’s wrong and dangerous and unprincipled.

    Obviously if they’ve been really egregious about not masking around you and disregarding your (or your partner’s) boundaries though that would be another thing, and a little more anger is justified.

  • I’d assume the argument would be that Aristotle and Plato were trying to illustrate some philosophical argument, myths and religion were on some level about understanding the world around you and why it came to be the way it is. Fandom doesn’t really have that same importance. Maybe if you are moved by a character or story and want to use the characters and/or setting to illustrate some deeper point about the human experience, but that doesn’t really encapsulate the whole of modern fandom. Cosplaying at an anime convention does not make you Aristotle.

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with fandom or cosplaying, but I assume this is what the main difference would be.

  • the one on the right is an ancient succdem with the most milquetoast lib takes imaginable. Knowledgable about Marx but somehow comes to the conclusion that the best leftist solution is to support the DNC and vote for Biden. Loves to flex his past political work from before you were even born when losing an argument. Also really into Pete Seeger.

    the one on the left is entirely educated by twitter memes and has the most deranged twitter-brained takes imaginable. Can’t hold a conversation unless it’s about the daily twitter drama. References extremely obscure memes irl that no one understands which prompt a 20 minute lecture about whatever was being referenced. Also keeps trying to get you to watch anime (I never will).

    Both get into extremely heated arguments with each other on the DSA group chat over obscure inconsequential topics that force you to mute the chat for two days because your phone is buzzing every five seconds at work and you now have over 500 notifications.

  • Theodore Roosevelt Island is pretty cool. I know you’re probably not into presidential monuments, but this is mostly just a nature park with a monument in the center of the island. Has some nice trails. Unfortunately I think you have to drive there though, although maybe you can get there from the Rosslyn metro stop? No idea.

    Museum of the American Indian. I actually have not spent a whole lot of time there, but I went there for an indigenous peoples conference once and looked around briefly and it seemed pretty nice, so probably worth checking out.

    Across the street is the United States Botanic Garden which is extremely impressive. Took my at-the-time girlfriend there once and she loved it, and I was surprisingly impressed also since I’m usually not that into gardens.

    Now quite a bit outside of DC is the Great Falls. You’d absolutely have to drive there and that might be a little too far out of your way but I highly recommend it, it’s a really impressive park, the falls are beautiful and you can climb around on the rocks which is fun.

    For nightlife, head to H Street. I’m not sure how gentrified it’s become at this point, when I lived there it was very steadily pushing east. If you go to the United House of Prayer for All People though, what they used to do is every I believe it was Friday night, they’d have a big fish fry on the street. Fried whiting or shrimp (the shrimp is better imo) with hushpuppies and fries and homemade pink lemonade. Absolutely delicious. Not sure if they still do this though, but I hope they do cause that shit was amazing.

  • Shop around. I’m in one of the most expensive areas of the country and I just got a shitton of work done on my car for 1500. I don’t know how replacing a gasket compares to the work I needed done, but 3-4k sounds like a lot. Though I’m also pretty sure my place undercharges me because I know them.

    It can’t hurt to shop around though. If everyone gives you the same price then I guess that’s what it is, and you can decide what to do from there. Just go in a couple places and ask for an estimate.

  • idk I’ve just been reading a ton a conspiratorial shit over the last couple days. But the thing is it’s always hard to get a handle on these things. I just brought up the R. Kelly thing as something that broke relatively recently and is similar to the Diddy thing and what Drake is now accused of.

    Kendrick definitely seems to be insinuating that Drake is connected to Diddy. I did read one of the blind items that said Diddy and the people involved with him modeled their ring on R. Kelly, which might explain Drake’s obsession with Aaliyah (R. Kelly illegally married Aaliyah when she was underaged, they later divorced and Aaliyah refused to speak on it for the rest of her life - she refused to even speak his name). But it’s a blind item and I have no idea how much stock to put in those things, my thought is probably not much. Aaliyah is also a beloved artist in the hip-hop/r&b world, so there are other reasons to be obsessed with her I guess.

    I’ve definitely been in the same boat as you these past few days though, thinking about some deep conspiratorial shit. But I have nothing beyond pure speculation really. I wouldn’t be surprised though if Drake was tied to some murders.