That’s me when talking to my wife. She just sits there and smiles while I talk about dumb nerd shit she doesn’t care about. But then I do the same when she talks about marvel movies…
They should just stop being hungry. Easy fix.
You should maybe go back and read the post again you’re complaining about…
Hello! X-Plane has come along way. The Addon Situation is much much better these days. The one thing to consider is that the performance, especially on the CPU is still pretty (supposedly it’s going to get better with 12.1.0, but let’s wait and see) bad. What I appreciate the most about X-Plane is the Freeware scene. I know about the FBW A320 in MSFS, but I’d say that the Zibo is fleshed out a bit more. There are tons of great free plugins to use etc. It’s very customizable overall. You should be able to download a demo from to try it out yourself. Regarding your Yoke, it completely depends on what it is? But you should be able to test it out yourself using the X-Plane Demo!